Whats Normal? (ch.13)

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Cathal's POV
Dont play the song until it says. Or you can be a rebel and play it anyway. I know you're a rebel.
Cathal slept soundly as Roman and his father talked. What Roman didnt know was that Cathal had been pulled into the same dream like state he was in before.
When Cathal opened his eyes, he was able to see the beautiful yellow dandelions that were gleaming in the sun rays. There were all kinds of animals, just lolling about. There was no fighting and everything was calm.
"Quite beautiful, isnt it?" A soft and quiet voice spoke. Cathal turned to look to his left where the voice was coming from. There stood a figure in all white except for the golden like crown sitting upon their head. This person had a calming aura that surrounded them.
"Who are you? Am I back where I was a few hours ago?" Cathal shot out questions. He was so confused. Being able to see made him want to cry with joy. He had lost his sight when he was very young and couldn't quite remember what things looked like. The person gave him a smile.
"I call this place tranquility. A place in your mind where you are able to go to talk to me or just to see the beauties of the world." The person spoke while looking out at the animals and nature all around them.
"Were you the one that spoke of a prophecy earlier?" Cathal questioned. The person just nodded. Slowly Cathal felt himself getting pulled into reality. "I dont want to go yet! I have so many questions
Will I be able to see you again?" Cathal yelled. The person just gave another nod and slowly walked into the bright light that was on the other side of the dandelion field.
"Cathal. Time to wake up." He heard Roman's voice speak softly as he gently shook his shoulder. When Cathal opened his eyes, he was welcomed with the familiar darkness he had grown accustomed to.
"Did you figure it out?" Cathal asked gently just closing his eyes. He didnt want to be reminded of what he could never have.
"The prophecy you told me about is certainly real. My dad brought out the huge book that was covered in dust. Then he told be to come back with you so he didnt have to repeat it twice. He didnt want to give others the chance to hear it. It hasn't been mentioned since the prophecy was first spoken." Roman says all in one voice. Cathal slowly opened his eyes, letting Roman know that he was still listening to him and that he hadn't fallen asleep. Cathal gave a sigh.
"I went back there. There was this magical person that stood by me. We were in a field of dandelions. It was so pretty
I want to go back Roman. I want to be able to see again." Cathal said as tears silently slid down his face. "Why cant I be normal. Roman I want to be normal."
Hey my pups. Long time no write. I'm sorry for such a long space between the chapters. There has been so much stuff going on. My mom and sister went to europe for almost 2 weeks and I was home with my brother and dad, taking care of most of the house. I was gonna go to pride in Denver colorado but the person I was going to go with was having some family issues so we canceled. Now I'm finally back. I have to do a music camp until the 4th of July, but then I'm up for writing a bunch more. Thanks for being so loyal. I cant believe that this book almost has 3k reads! Like what the heak.
Thanks everyone. Love,

not what meets the eye [Boyxboy] Hiatus Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ