Normal is for the Weak (ch.14)

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Roman's pov

The way Cathal was talking broke my heart. He was the most special man I had ever had the chance of meeting. I didn't care that he was blind, or that he always had a dog with him. To me, he was more than normal. He didnt have to or need to be normal, because I loved him all the same.
I-I love him? Only after a week and i already love him. It's not that surprising though, when mates meet it is love at first sight, well in Cathal's shoes it would be love at first scent.
"Cathal, normal is so boring. Being normal would mean being like everybody else. It would mean not having your wolf, because baby werewolves are not normal." Roman gave a little chuckle and Cathal gave a little smile through the tears that were slowly falling.
"So what if there is a prophecy about you and your wolf! It cant dictate how you live your life, only you can do that. I love the just the way you are. If you were born with eyesight, I would still love you. If you were missing all of you limbs, I would still love you. Ok, I might not be able to love you if you were a zombie, but that is besides the point. You are the most beautiful and precious person in my whole life. I put you above my pack because you are my other half, you are the one that completes me." Roman  speaks all in one breath. He was slightly panting as Cathal had been reduced to full blown tears. No one had ever said something so heartfelt to him like Roman had just did. He loved this boy with all of his heart and soul.
"Roman, if this prophecy does end up being true, what is going to happen? I'm scared." Cathal spoke quietly. Admitting fear was one thing he told himself he would never do. He had to stay strong for his siblings. He had to stay strong for him mom. He had to stay strong for himself. He wiped his tears as he waited for a reply from Roman.
"If the prophecy is true, then we will do it together. Im not leaving you for something as silly as a prophecy that may not even be about you." Roman spoke strongly. Cathal was his mate and he wasnt going to let anything or anyone come between him and his mate, he would die before that happened.
"What did I do to deserve such a mate like you Roman?" Cathal asked as he tilted his head up to the roof as he asked. Roman didnt answer and he slowly climbed into the bed next to Cathal. Wrapping his arms around Cathal's waist and placing his nose in Cathal's hair. He took a deep breath and sighed. He nuzzled Cathal's hair as he listened to Cathal's breath even out, he had finally fallen back into sleep. Roman sighed then whispered quietly as not to wake Cathal back up. "Normal is for the weak." Then he closed his eyes and slowly fell asleep with his arms still around Cathal's waist and his nose still in Cathal's hair.
It feels like it's been forever since I last published. I feel like I've let you all down. I've just been going through a lot of stuff. I put my dog down on Tuesday because we found out he had cancer. I have been a wreck of emotions and didnt feel like doing anything, I still dont. I want to go lay in my bed and cry and sleep, but I wanted to give my readers a little insight into Roman and Cathal's relationship and feelings. The updating for this book doesnt really have a schedule, just whenever I feel or want to write.

That's my baby by the way. His name was Tank. We had him for 11 amazing years before God called him back home. His brother is doing ok, I'm worried that he is going to start going downhill. They were twins and shared the same embryo. I dont think I handle losing another dog at the moment. Well I'm sorry for my depressing rant that just went on. That was long. On a slightly better note! Almost 10k reads. Like what the heck???? Is my book paying you to read it? Like it doesnt make sense. I think when I hit 10k I'll do a q+a with my characters and me. A sky anything you like. Nothing to personal like phone number or address please. Well my pups, this is all from me, have an amazing day.


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