Suprises from Hell (ch.10)

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Roman's POV
No one could understand how crazy excited Roman was when Cathal said he would be his boyfriend.
"Can we shift? Namor really wants to meet Lahtac." Cathal gave slight nod and slowly started to strip. When he was almost fully naked, he shifted.
"I'm gonna shift now, we won't be able to talk, so give Lahtac control ok? I'm going to give Namor control as well. " Roman stated. After that Roman slowly shifted into his wolf, letting Namor have full control, knowing Roman can take it back at any time.
Namor's eyes

 =========================Namor's eyes

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Lahtac's eyes

=========================Watching from your wolf's eyes was weird

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Watching from your wolf's eyes was weird. It was like in Roman's mind, there was a forest. This is where Namor was always when Roman couldn't talk to him or when he wasn't being talked to. Roman could see Namor snuggle up to Lahtac. It made Roman awe.
"Don't go mating him now, I can't be a dad yet. " Roman spoke up, knowing that Namor could hear Roman perfectly. Roman watched as Namor leaned his head back and gave his beautiful howl to the glowing moon, Lahtac soon following. It was in perfect harmony.
Snarls soon met Roman and Namor's ears. Rouges! Nasty vile wolves that had lost their human sides. Roman watched as about 10 wolves circled Namor and Lahtac.
Lahtac gave a scared whimper as he nudged closer to me and Namor. Namor stood over him protectively. Slowly the routes started circling us, looking for a weak spot. They were all smaller than Namor. Namor kept his eyes open and continued to watch, making sure to cover all of Lahtac.
Soon enough the rouges realized that Namor wasnt going to attack first, so the did. Two jumped up and tried to bite down on Roman's hind legs, but Roman turned and snapped in their face. Roman didn't notice the other wolves aiming for his neck and even Cathal and Lahtec.
When Lahtac felt something sharp then a sticky substance run down his hind leg, he knew that one of the rouges gad gotten ahold of him. Lahtac gave a pain filled whimper and attempted to shake the rouge off.
When Namor heard Lahtac whimper, he knew imediently what was wrong, one of the rouges had gotten to Lahtac. Namor guarded Lahtec with his life until the other warriors of his pack showed up.
Once all the rouges were felt with, Namor shifted back into Roman. Roman quickly scooped up Lahtec in his arms and rushed towards the pack doctor.
Lahtec was bleeding profusely from a gash on his leg. Roman was attempting to stop the bleeding, so that Lahtec wasnt losing as much blood. There were tears gathering in his eyes as he placed Lahtec on the operating table.
The pack doctor, trying not to anger or set off Roman's wolf, shoved him softly out of the way.
"Excuse me alpha, but the only way I can stop the bleeding is if you are out of the way. Please alpha you can stay in the room, just please stay out of my way." Roman gave a curt nod and stepped back so that he was holding Lahtac's paw.
Once the pack doctor was done stitching up the gash on Lahtec's leg, Lahtec slowly shifted back to a very naked Cathal. Roman quickly looked away in respect. He knew that a lot of mates wouldn't be ashamed to look at their naked mates, but that was the one thing that Roman wanted to be told he could. He didn't was to look without permission.
"Where am I? Where is Apollo? Roman? Where is Roman?" Cathal asks in a panicked voice. I quickly run over to Cathal and grab his hand.
"Where is apollo? I need apollo!" He tells almost screaming, suddenly he falls backwards onto his bee and his body starts seizing. A seizure.
Hey my smol beans! I'm sorry it took me forever to write this. I kinda like it, kinda dont. I really would like if you guys would ask Roman and Cathal or even Joy or the others questions. They have told me the would die if someone would just ask them some questions, any questions at all. Well thank you.


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