"Journey to Spooky Island part 1"

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Normal P.O.V

It was nighttime now, wolves were howling and everyone is gathered around telling eachother scary stories near the fire. "The thing drew closer, With its inhuman breathing, and claws clicking against the floor with each step... Desperatley, the young boy pulled the sheet off the creature to reveal... THE DOG THAT GOT TANGLED UP IN HIS LAUNDRY! Booooo!" David said trying to scare at least some of the campers. "And THATS why you should always properly fold and put away your laundry" David finished, no one was frightened by David's story... "Well, uh, it was scary when it happened to me" David lied "I was VERY Innocent and Impressionable back then!" David said crossing his arms. "...So, last week?" Gwen asked raising one of her eyebrows. Y/N started laughing when Gwen told the truth. "What's scary is how much I want to kill myself right now" Max said causing Gwen's eyes to widen, "Okay, okay, I got this" Gwen said "Here we go..." Y/N said laying down on the log "Wake me up when its over..." Y/N said shutting her eyes just when Gwen had kicked her on the back "Ow" Y/N said sitting up. "Anyway... So once, there was this girl, that no one really understood-" Gwen said "So help me if this involves vampire romance" Max interrupted causing Y/N to laugh. "I-it could've been werewolves" Gwen said rubbing her arm "You dunno!" "Here's a horror story, Go look at the job market you're dealing with. After this camp shuts down" Max said "Oh my god Max, that was the best story ever!" Y/N exclaimed wiping her tears of of her face "Yeah, I know" Max said putting an arm around Y/N's neck. "...So nothing scares you, Max? Not even ghost?" Space kid asked while Nikki on the other hand was eating, "People in sheets got me concerned, But nah, not even ghost. Just not a screamer" Max said "What about space ghost-eh... oh-that's strange. Uhh mission control, I don't feel so good" Space kid said clenching his "space suit" or whatever he calls it suddenly a squirrel comes out of his space suit causing Space kid to scream, as the squirrel leaped out everyone screamed exept Y/N and Max. "Wait a minute, How is it that you two weren't even fazed by THAT!" David asked. "Might've helped if Y/N and I hadn't put it in his suit to begin with" Max explained "Mhmm" Y/N hummed and nodded. "Alright, tough guy... And girl, So you think you're so-" David said but then a sudden noise appeared "Tough? Wh-what do you think about that moaning and waling?" David asked in fear. "Pssh, its just teenagers at that church camp working on those repressions again" Max said "Not that I know anything about it, just being a kid and all" "AHHHH, what about that ghost ship?" David pointed out "Oh... Pirate camp's practicing night sailing!" Y/N responded "Uh, guuuuuuys?" Neil said "GUYS!" Nikki shouted while David started shaking in fear saying "Please be puppy" four times. The QM jumped out of the bushes "What the blue ball blazes is happenin' here?" QM shouted

Timeskip brought to you by David's singing again-

There's a place I know thats tucked away, A place where you and I can stay, Where we can go to laugh and play, And have adventures everyday! I know it sounds hard to believe, but guys and gals, its true! Camp Campbell is the place for me and you! We'll swim through lakes and climb up trees, catch fish, bugs, bears, and honeybees! Theres endless possibilities, AND NO, THATS NOT HYPERBOLE! Our motto's "Campe Diem", and that means I'm telling yoooooouuuu.... We've got, Archery, Hiking, Search-And-Rescue, Biking, Horseback-riding, Training that will save you from a heart-attack, Scuba-diving, Miming, Keeping up with rhyming, Football, Limbo, Science, Stunting, Pre-calc, Spaceships, Treasure hunting, Bomb defusal, No refusal, Fantasy, Circus Trapeze, and Fights and Ghost and Paints and Snakes and Knives and Chess and Dance and Weights! It's Camp Camp! (You're welcome)

"Oh! Whew! Hey, QM" David said in relief "Someun' out here killin' campers?" QM said raising his hook. "We're fine, QM. We're just having some good old campfire scary stories is all" Gwen reasoned "So... No dead campers then?" QM asked lowering his hook "Nope! We're good!" David assured giving QM a thumbs up. "...Damn" QM said "And to be sure; no ones doin' anything stupid, Like trying to get over to SPOOKY ISLAND" QM finished "What? No, of course not!" David yelled "Not even on the night with a new moon, right?" QM asked "When ghosts walk the island, an' demons rise from the pit, an' aliens kidnap any trespassers an' probe to their tender-" "Ohohoho, okay... We get it, don't we, kids?" Gwen asked "...Anuses... I was gonna say "Anuses"" QM finished

To be continued

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