Truth or Dareeee- Boyf Riends

442 14 22

/hi I wanna cry in a hole./

Jeremy was walking to Michael's house for some APOTD and a sleepover. What's better than two bros playing video games?

When Jeremy arrived at Michael's he walked right in and saw Michael crashed into his beanbag smoking weed. "Heyyyyyy buddyyyy." Michael slurred.

"Dude you promised that we wouldn't get stoned! I was really looking forward to completing Apocalypse of the Damned." Jeremy frowned.

"I have a better idea. How about we play truth or dareeee." Michael was definitely high.

Jeremy sat down next to Michael nervously. Let's just say that Michael was a little bit reckless when he was high.

"Okay so truth or dare?" Jeremy asked cautiously.

"Truth." Michael said.

"Um, okay. Why did you want to play truth or dare?" Jeremy was bad at this.

"It's a secret." Michael said. He held up a finger to Jeremy's mouth in a 'shhhh' position. "Truth or Dare?"

"Uhhhhh." Jeremy stuttered.

"Pick dare." Michael whispered in Jeremy's ear.

"Um okay dare." Jeremy said. He, personally, didn't enjoy a stoned Michael.

"I," Michael delcared "dare you to kiss me." Michael was apparently flirtatious as well as high.

"Uh, Micha, I'm not so sure abou-" Jeremy was cut off by Michael's lips smashing onto his. Jeremy was shocked at first but kissed back. Huh, Jeremy thought, this isn't so bad. It's actually kind of nice. Jeremy compliantly kissed Michael passionately and a moan escaped the other boy's lips.

Michael finally broke the kiss. "I'm so fucking glad that I'm high right now."

/ Kay real short oneshots, kinda had more planned but gave up ? idk I'm half asleep and I wrote 722 words for my global essay. also I'm depressed Will Roland is getting married (if ya don't know how obsessed I am, see my other fic, A Very Kleinsen Fanfiction. okay so it's rlly short, do y'all want a pt 2?/


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