"Old Ends And Lively Friends"

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Hannah's POV:

"Hi, you must be new. I'm Dennis Riverton."

The boy next to me said as I sat down in my seat. He was tall, taller than me. His skin was fair. He had chocolate eyes which were hidden by his spectacles. His hair were shaggy which constantly kept falling on his face making him look hell cute. He was handsome.

"Hannah Anderson" I replied.

"So you like maths, huh?"

"Like would be an understatement. Maths is the only subject that I love and understand."
He chuckled to my response and surprisingly I was smiling too.

Mr. Matthews was our math professor. He was in his mid- twenties and had graduated from Harvard. He was a fun- loving teacher. The entire class was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone because of Mr. Matthews' nature.

As the class got over, I got up and was about to leave the class when I saw Char waiting outside. I walked to her only to find Dennis already there.

"Hannah, this is Dennis. Dennis, Hannah."

"We already met in class." Dennis said before I could respond.

"Well, Hannah come have lunch with us. This way you can meet our other friends as well." Saying this, Char dragged me to the cafeteria with Dennis following behind.

Lunch break at the cafeteria was an entirely different scene. The school was divided into different squad with each occupying one table. It seemed different than my previous school where the squads were divided according to status quo. The nerds, the jocks, the queen bee plastics, the populars, the outcasts were all different. Here, each squad had all types of people. Change was nice.

I sat with Char and Dennis as we waited for their other friends to come. Some time later, a girl came and sat at the table. She was tall, probably my height. She had brownish- black hair which were a little longer than her shoulder. She was thin and her body had the perfect curves. Her eyes were a dark shade of emerald and her skin was fairly tan. Her face looked mature for her age but she was extremely pretty.

"Hey gu- ummm.... I'm sorry but who are you?" She asked me with a look of confusion on her face.

"Liv meet Hannah. Hannah, this is Olivia." Char spoke up even before I could think of what to respond. Damn, this girl is one excited soul.

"Olivia Johnson. Nice to meet you." She said waving at me.

"Hannah Anderson and the feeling's mutual." I said responding to her wave.

"Dennis, where is Jacob? Didn't he have class with you?" Liv asked with Char nodding her head.

"Well, he was in class until the basketball coach called him for some work. The team tryouts start next week and since he's captain, he has a lot of work to do."
Dennis' answer seemed to have satisfied Liv and Char since there were no further questions on this topic.

Lunch was fun. Liv, Char and Dennis told me all about the whereabouts of school and the on- going gossips and happening events that were taking place in each of their lives. It felt nice that they trusted me so much to tell me about them. Maybe changing schools wasn't such a bad decision.

The rest of the day was not so bad except the classes. They were a bit boring but since I had Liv, Char or Dennis with me, I was constantly entertained.

I stayed back after school hoping to shoot some hoops since I needed as much as I could get before the tryouts. The basketball gym was huge. It was spacious and had a lot of lights which lit up the whole place making it easier to practice. I quickly changed into my gym clothes and started with some light warm-ups.

After practice, I took a shower and changed back into my normal clothes. Before leaving school, I went to my locker to keep my books there. Just as I closed my locker door, I clashed into someone.



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