"Left Unreplied And Apologies Multiplied"

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Hannah's POV:

A buzz in my pocket woke me up from my sleep. We were still in the bus going from the lake to a zoo. I opened my phone to see an unexpected text.




I wasn't really keen on talking to him at that moment. Why? Because if someone just ignores me for no reason, leaves me stranded all alone and then comes and talks to me pretending like nothing happened,then I'm sorry, I'm not interested. So I don't bother replying and plug my earphones in and go back into my wonderland. I'm disturbed again a minute later by another text.

Did you just leave me on read?

'No shit Sherlock', I say to myself. I feel a pair of eyes staring at me and I knew whose they were but instead of looking back like I normally would have, I turn my face to the other side and close my eyes shut, trying not to get bothered by those hazel gazes.
In less than a minute after I actually fall asleep, we reach the zoo. 'Screw my life', I cry inside.

We all get down and gather outside the gate while the faculty members do their usual headcount and other stuffs. Suddenly Dennis comes, followed by Jacob behind.

"Why did the you leave him on read?" He asks .

"He was sitting literally next to me. I didn't think replying would be that necessary then." I shrug my shoulders just to seem casual about this.

Dennis laughs it off while Jacob seemed to have an unconvinced look on his face but nonetheless, flashes me a smile.

I wait until everyone gets in because I preferred to be in a less crowded place when I'm sightseeing. Dennis, Jacob and Percy wait for me but after a while they go off too, leaving me and Percy alone. Percy and I bond over some random topics that make no sense at all but at least he manages to put a smile on my face. We walk to a cliff where majority of the population stood trying to see some animal across the cages. On the other side, I see Dennis and Allison deep in conversation with each other. Jacob was no where to be seen. I walk to the cage and try to squeeze in because of my over- curious nature. Just as I get in, a feel a hand round my neck and a familiar smell of lemon- grass and mint. I don't react at all. I keep looking at the mountain lioness in the cage as she calls her husband out of the cave.

Jacob stays with me for the remaining journey of the zoo. I see both Allison and Dennis missing and realise the actual reason for Jacob's presence. I don't acknowledge his existence at all and try to get away from him as much as possible. But this guy doesn't leave me even for a freaking second.

"You were upset that I left you alone, weren't you?" He asks me. He sounded really genuine.

I don't reply. Instead I keep looking at the ground above which I walk.

"Hey look at me." He pulls my face up. "I'm really sorry. Miss Elena told Dennis and Allison this morning to tone down their PDA which caused a fight between the two of them. He was sad about that all day and I couldn't help but be there for him because I can't see him sad. But I'm really sorry. In all of that, I didn't realise that I left you lonely too. I promise it won't happen again."

"It's fine." Was all I replied.

"Come on, don't ruin your mood because of me. Cheer up. I promise I'll make it up to you soon."

A just smile a bit so that he is convinced that I'm not upset anymore. We walk back to the bus and take our seats. We then all go to the shopping centre where we get one hour of free time to do whatever we want. I get down and walk towards the rest of the crowd. Everyone divides into their groups and scrambles off within a few seconds. I stay with Percy and Aiden. Suddenly, I feel someone intervene my hand with theirs. I look up to see a smiling Jacob.

"I told you I'll make it up to you. I'm not leaving you alone for even a minute now. This entire one hour, you and I are gonna be together whether you like it or not."

I couldn't help but smile like a lunatic when he said this. He pulled my closer and put his hand around my waist as he guided me through the market. Since I wasn't really a shopaholic, we went around in search of a general store because Percy wanted to eat instant noodles. We went through small lanes where people were smoking and drinking and what not. Jacob's hold on me tightened as we walked into these alleys. All of our searches went in vain because we didn't find those noodles anywhere. By the time we were back, Jacob was hungry. We bid goodbye to Percy and Aiden and went into the Chinese store. As Jacob and I waited for his food to come, I scrolled through my Instagram for a bit.

"Why do girls have to do something like this? This is so cliché." I say as I read a post.

"What is cliché?"

"So there's this friend of mine. She put up on her Instagram story a picture which says that let's see how many boys read this paragraph and write something nice for you. I mean I don't get it. Why are girls so desperate for guys?"

"God knows."

We quickly take his food and go back to the bus. The ride home was a long one and since I was tired I close my eyes and rest for a while. Just then my phone buzzes.

Hey, I'm really sorry for today. That idiot was upset and I couldn't see him that way. But I didn't realise that you were feeling alone too all this while. I promise that for the rest of the trip, I won't leave you alone for even a second. Love you and I'm really sorry again.❤️❤️❤️

Didn't know you could be this sweet too. Anyways, it's fine. I understand and I'm actually happy that you were there for him.

This was a failed attempt at writing the post you showed me but I tried.

What post?

The paragraph post you showed me earlier.

Oh that. Well yeah, it was kind of a failed attempt but good for a first try.

We reach the hotel and freshen up. Later, after dinner, I go to Jacob's room where all of us spend the time watching some random movie until I feel too sleepy and go back to my room. Just as I finish setting my alarm, my phones vibrates again.





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