"Coffee Mugs And Travel Hugs"

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Hannah's POV:

I wake up before my alarm could even beep itself. Why you ask? Because who feels sleepy when you're excited? Dennis and Allison had patched up and Jacob had realised that he wasn't supposed to leave me alone. What else could I ask for? I dress up quick and head to Jacob's room. He still hadn't taken a bath and was just randomly roaming around in the room. I quickly hug him and make my way out since they needed their space to get dressed.

I walk across the hotel, exploring it, thanks to my over- curious nature. I walk by the an old house kind of a structure which was very keen on going into but just as I was about to enter, much to my dismay, one of the hotel staff came and stopped me. Now I'm never gonna know what's in there. By the time I finish my curiosity expedition, we get called to breakfast. I walk to the dining area and join my friends there.

After the, not so heavy breakfast because I don't like eating much in the morning, we sit in our buses and go off to our destinations for today. We visit old palaces and ancient homes of royalty whose architectures and maintenance leave me nothing but awestruck. I mean, ceilings full of gold. Who would have thought people had so much money?

After the entire day's exhausting travel, I reach my room, unable to walk anymore. I just fall flat on the bed and wish I could lay there for the rest of my life. But then I remember that I have a guy waiting for me because I had told Jacob I'd be in his room in 10. Motivating myself with that, I wake up and put on a comfortable hoodie and tracks and go down to his room. Allison was already there by the time I get there. We all sit on the bed and play cards, while actually gossiping with each other and pretending to play cards. Aiden even shows up a few really cool card magic tricks.

We then go for dinner and return to their room around half hour later. We switch on the TV to see The Notebook on. Allison and I insist to watch it while all the guys cringe at the thought. It really was a 2 vs 2 as Aiden and Percy didn't really care as to what was going around them.

We all snuggle in bed and pull the blankets over us. I rest my head on Jacob's arm while he puts his other arm around my waist and pulls me in, intending to not let me go or so I thought. Time passes by without anyone even realising. Suddenly, Jacob looks down at me and says.

"I love this."

I smile back coyly.

Soon it was 1 am. Since, we didn't have a choice, Allison and I hesitantly go back to our rooms. I finish packing my stuff because we were switching hotel rooms the next day. Just as I'm about to sleep, my phone buzzes.


"Nighty night❤️"

And I fall into a deep sleep.

The next morning, I was kinda worked out and tired but I still manage to wake up early. Liv was already up and ready by the time I wake up. I quickly get dressed when Liv comes back to the room.

"Where were you?" I ask her.

"Up on the terrace. The sun is gonna come out in a while. Wanna watch it together?" She asks me.

"Are you kidding me? Of course let's go."

I always wanted to watch a sunrise. It was one of the many things in my bucket list. I wanted to watch it with Jacob. You know you see it in movies, the girl and the guy together watch the first ray of sunshine fill up with night sky. I quickly text him to see if he was awake. He didn't reply in time so I figured he must be sleeping and go up to the roof.

It was really good up there. I was happy that I carried my hoodie with me. The end was fast. It hit my face like someone was throwing snowballs at me. Several minutes later, the sun showed its first ray. It was beautiful. The sky, which was so blue and purple a minute ago, was now just a big pink pool of shine with threads of gold. It was fascinating in its own way.

I come back to my room to see Percy waiting at my door.

"What are you doing here?"

"Waiting for you."

"Where is everyone else?"

"In the room, still getting ready."

"Okay great. Anyways, now that you're here, help me take my luggage down."

"Too much work, I'm going bye."

"Percy wait. Please?"

"Okay fine."

I take my luggage down and keep I with the rest of the bags. I make my way to the breakfast hall and I sit down with a bowl of cereals and a mug of coffee of course because those are the only things I want in the morning. Without them, I'd probably be an angry bird just wating to be thrown so it can blow up. After breakfast, I go back up to my room to see if we haven't left anything in there. After final looks, I submit my keys at the reception and make my way to the bus. Jacob is already sitting in his seat, the seat next to him, empty. He sees me and gets off his seat indicating me to sit next to him. I sit and plug in my headphones just when our professor comes in.

"Okay guys, so our next location is like a six to seven hour drive. I would suggest all of you'll to take a good night sleep because tonight is the DJ night for which you'll need to be energetic."

We all reply yes sir in unison. I plug my earphones back into my ears and rest my head back on my head. Two seconds later, my head is shifted from the back of the seat to Jacob's shoulder. He puts his arm around me and pulls my in. I snuggle into him, a smile broadening on my face because of how much I love when someone just hugs me out of nowhere. I go to sleep for a while. The next time I wake up, we're haunted at a petrol pump. Jacob isn't next to me anymore. I look around to see half of the bus empty. I get down and make my way to where everyone is.

"Morning sunshine." Jacob says when he sees me.

"Morning isn't here yet. Sunshine is still half sleepy." I reply making a pouty face.

"Aww, sunshine can go back to sleep once we get in again." He says pulling my cheeks to which I smile because again, I love it when someone pulls my cheeks.

The rest of the journey constituted of the same, the hugging, cuddling and cheek pulling and all of the pamper and care. It was cute.

We reach our new hotel. Turned out, the boys had tents to stay in while the rooms where given to the girls. We felt pity for them since it was that time of the year when the temperatures would drop down till almost 8°C and without any doors to keep away the winds and one bed to share between four people, it was gonna be a very difficult night for them to survive.



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