"Secret Vocals And Prom Proposals"

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Hannah's POV:

'HOMECOMING' was just a few days away. The excitement was in the air. Boys asking girls out for dates in different cute ways. Some asking in front of the entire cafeteria while others secretly proposing in the library or by dropping notes in the lockers.

"I need your help." Dennis said suddenly sitting in front of me which brought me back from my thoughts.

"What happened?"

"I wanna ask Allison to homecoming but I have no idea how to do it."

"Umm... Okay. So you wanna go something big or just a small proposal."

"I have no idea. I'm just gonna follow you."

"Okay. I have a really cool idea. I'm gonna arrange everything and let you know, okay?" Saying this I rush without even listening to his response.

I rush and reach the school theatre and start working on Dennis's proposal plan. I make huge cardboard cut- outs of the letters 'HOMECOMING' and place them in order on the stage. Then I add lighting to each letter and text Dennis to come to the theatre. When he arrives, I quickly explain him everything and tell him to call Allison. She arrives there a minute later and I hide near the exit. Dennis makes her sit on the first row and runs up to the stage.
He then just turns off all the lights and suddenly I feel a jolt on my shoulder. I'm about to scream when a hand covers my mouth. I stare back into a familiar pair of hazel eyes. I punch him lightly and turn around to see again.
Dennis now switches on the lights for each letter one by one.

"H- Home
O- Ordinary yet extraordinary
M- Mesmerised
E- Enthusiatic
C- Caring
O- Outstanding
M- Magnificent
I- Immortal
N- Nice
G- Gentleman.
This is how I feel whenever I'm with you and I wanna continue feeling this way." He gets off from the stage and bends down on his knee I'm front of Allison. "So, will you be my date my homecoming?" He asks, extending forward an open palm.

"Of course, yes." Allison says jumping into his arms. I emerge from the hiding and congratulate the both of them. Jacob walks from behind me and bro- hugs Dennis.

I wake up the next morning a little bit upset. Homecoming was just round the corner and I had expected Jacob to ask me out by then but he didn't. Everybody else had a date. Char was going out with Noah while Liv was asked out by her classmate, Tyler. I quickly took a shower and changed into my clothes. I wore a white tank short- long cropped top which had an emoji circle with a Japanese yin- yang symbol on it. I wore dark blue denim folded shorts underneath matched with red flat converse. Jacob's necklace was still round my neck.

Jacob wasn't outside when I came downstairs

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Jacob wasn't outside when I came downstairs. It felt weird. I called him but he didn't pick up. Since I was getting late, I walked to school. Upon reaching school, I was approached by Char. She handed me a note while suppressing a smile on her face and walked away. I called after her but she didn't respond. I read the note.

I know you're wondering where am I. So, if you wanna find me, you need to come to the place we first met. - JP

I smile found a way to my face as I read this note. The place we first met. My locker. We first clashed into each other at my locker. I quickly run to my locker to find Liv and Tyler there. I take the note that Liv gives me and hug her after which she leaves with Tyler.

Well, you just crossed the first clue. Next, go the class you and I both love, cuz the subjects our favourite and we share the class. -JP

It wasn't difficult for me to figure out which class it was. Jacob and I shared a lot of classes but only one of them was my favourite, Mr. Matthews' advanced math class. I rushed to the room where I see Dennis and Allison. Dennis hands me another note before walking away hand- in- hand with Allison.

Come next to our favourite place in the whole school. I'll be there waiting for you. -JP

The smile on my face broadened as I made my way to the basketball court. As soon as I reached there, the sight caught me in my tracks. The entire court was decorated with balloons and ribbons hanging from the ceiling. The floor was covered with rose petals and on the top was a huge banner that said: 'HOMECOMING?'. There in the middle of the gym stood Jacob who was staring back at me, a large grin on his face. He walked upto me and pulled me to the middle of the gym.

"Hannah, you are the most craziest girl I have ever met. You make me laugh, irritate me and annoy me but at the same time, you understand me, listen to all my crap day long and always be there for me whenever I need you. You are really important to me and honestly, I can't even imagine my life without you in it now. So, will do me the greatest pleasure and be my date to homecoming?" He finished.

I was stunned by what he said. I had never expected him to go so overboard but it felt amazing. This was probably the best proposal in the history of homecoming proposals.

"Yes." I replied, throwing my arms around him and hugging him as tightly as I can. He picks me and spins around and puts me back down without breaking the hug. That moment, it felt like something, it felt like home.



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