Outer Space

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Happy, to be a part of you
Felt important, to have created a role in your life too
Felt special, like I wasn't just an ordinary girl
Felt like floating, like an alien out of this world

My heart skipped a beat, as you said those words
And the feeling can't be figured out even by geeks and nerds
You said something I never expected
Then I minded my heart, worrying if I was then dead

It was like dancing on the ceiling
From a height free falling
Floating in the ocean, pushed by the sea
Floating in the space, with the stars and galaxy

Yet maybe I was enjoying in outer space
That I forgot about here in Earth
I was enjoying the feeling too much
That I suddenly became too stupid and out of place

You said you were thankful, and I was too
I was even more thankful for you
Yet one problem, I left here in Earth, when I was in outer space
I never gave you the same feeling of outer space

I said thank you, but was it enough?
For making me feel special, and all that other stuff
One thought I had... and it stuck...
I never said it back.

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