#9: Jacob Frye

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Brash, reckless and dangerous
This love for you's completely venomous
Toxic spilled in this hot, boiling cauldron
Drank, poisoned, yet still went on

Brash as his attacks are my affections
Reckless as him are my actions and decisions
Your face screams security,
Yet you're made my heart dangerous truly

Was I impulsive like him, making me fall over and over?
Impulsive was I, making me die over and over?
Acted impulsively, thought the feelings I'd forget
The consequences now is plain regret

Was I oblivious or was it you?
That this chaos you caused was too deadly too
No matter how hard I try, to not compromise this mission
It's you, still you, is my destruction.

A/n: Jacob Frye is from Assassin's Creed :)

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