#6: Nathan Drake

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Charming as the Prince of Cinderella
Never knew I'd know such a strange fella
Who's too charming, for his own good
Too smart, too clever yet sometimes misunderstood

Artifacts, relics, even the Golden Man
He managed to find in a flick of a hand
Yet a habit he can't truly break
Every lost city visited at stake

Stealing my heart was a crime
Yet I remained silent as a mime
I kept quiet as you ran around and continued to be
As you continued to be the destruction and death of me

You stole my heart, don't bring it back
Because even if you did, to you it's still stuck
You're Nathan Drake, yet I wasn't gold, silver or any shiny jewelry
You're Nathan Drake, and I was your lost city.

A/N: Nathan Drake is from the Uncharted Series.

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