Chapter 12: One Call Away

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I hope you will enjoy this update!!

Chapter 12:

Taeyeon is inside his hotel room, they just went back to the hotel from the meeting with the first client and he is now preparing to go out with Jessica.

He look at the small paper bag and smile, He bought Jessica something and He hope that the Blonde woman will like it.

His phone then rings, He quickly take the call seeing Jessica's name.


"Taengoo, I'm ready.." She said.

He smiled and stood up, "I'll go to your suite now, wait for me." He said and walked out of his suite with the Paper Bag.

He walk to Her suite that's just two doors away, "I'm here now."

Jessica giggled and hang up, the door then opened revealing the beautiful American girl wearing a Yellow Printed A-Line Dress.

Taeyeon laid his hand to her and the American Woman hold it. "You look so stunning as always.." He said then gave her hand a sweet peck.

Jessica's heart beats so fast, Taeyeon can make her feel something unexplainable. He gives Her so much attention even without asking for it.

"Let's go!" He said and the two of them went to the lift to go to a Restaurant.

They arrived to a fancy restaurant, Taeyeon pulled a seat for her then settled across her.

"By the way, this is for you!"

She smiled and look at him, "What is this?" She asked and look at what's inside.

Taeyeon was just watching her, Hw couldn'g hide his smile by just looking at how pretty his Assistant is.

"A bracelet?" Jessica look at him in shock, "What is this for?" She asked.

"You are the first person came to my mind when I saw that so I bought it for you." He explained and put it on her, "See? it looks good."

"I told you to not give me expensive things like this."

"But I want to.. Sica, don't worry about anything.. It's okay.." He assured.

She take a deep breath and look at him in the eyes, "Taengoo, be honest with me.. Why are you doing this?"

He stared at her and hold her hand, "Because I want to.. Let me do the things that I want, please.."

She sighed, "Okay.. But this will be the last time, I'm not gonna accept anything expensive from you."

"Then you'll make it hard for me to find a less expensive stuffs.." He said then called for a waiter, "Order anything you want for our last day in Jeju.." He told Jessica.

The two ordered and talk while waiting for their meal.

Taeyeon kept asking about Yuri and the kids. "How was his first job?"

"Uh.. He said it was tiring but He enjoyed it.. I'm happy to hear that he's enjoying but then, I couldn't help but feel worried.."

"About what?"

"You know, He's looking after the kids almost twenty-four seven and I know that He will have a hard time and He might get sick.."

Taeyeon cleared his throat, "Say, are you still in love with him? Or is there any chance for the two of you to get back together?"

She lick her lips then pouted, "After everything I've been through with him? I don't think so.."

Their food arrived and they started to eat but Taeyeon still keep asking things about Yuri.

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