Chapter 49

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Chapter 49:

Jessica and the Kids are in the Playground, The American Woman brought them there after Their afternoon nap to play with other Kids.

"Momma, Can Mina eat candy?" Mina asked Jessica while holding the candy a friend gave Her.

Jessica who is sitting on a bench smiled at Her then take the Candy from Her, "You already had too much sweets, Honey.. Your teeth will be sad if You still eat this.."

Mina pouted and jump, "But Jinah will be sad if I don't eat that!"

She pinch Her cheeks, "Don't worry, I will keep this and You can eat it tomorrow so Jinah will not be sad.."

Mina's face brightens, "Really? Okay! Mina will tell Jinah now!" She said and run back to the where the other kids are.

Jessica put the candy in Her pocket and just watch Them, Her phone then rings, She look at Her phone and saw Her boyfriend calling.

She smiled and quickly answered the call, "Babe!"

"Hi, Baby.. What are You doing?" Yuri asked.

"I'm in the Playground with the Kids, How was Your meeting today?"

"It went well, Baby.. I just went out of the conference room, I'm going to have a Dinner later with Ms. Park and the other Investors and some of Their children who are also working in their Companies.." He happily informed Her.

"Oh, are there.. Um.."

"Girls? Yeah.."

"Oh, I see.." She pouted.

"Hm, They actually noticed the Couple items that I'm wearing particularly the shirts and the bracelet.. They think it's cute.."


"Yes.. And I also think Our Couple items are my lucky charm.. Everything is doing well ever since I started wearing them.. So thank You, Baby.. You are My biggest lucky charm.."

She giggles, "Really? Does it mean.. You're going back early?" She bite Her lips.

Yuri has been in Shanghai for three days now and Her Boyfriend told Her that there's a huge possibility of them going back home earlier.

"Hm, I don't know, Baby.. We still have to talk to some people here.." Yuri told Her.

She sighed, "Okay.." She said, "I'm just really missing You.." She told Him.

"I miss You too, Baby.." He said then sighed, "Let's talk later after Our Dinner.. Let's video call.." He said.

"I will wait for Your call, Babe.. The Kids would love to talk to You again.." She smiled.

"Where is Noona by the way?"

"Oh, She's with Auntie in the office.. She wanted to start working again so Auntie brought Her to the company and let Her work and I think it's a good thing since She's getting bored and getting emotional nowadays and making herself busy with other things will help Her."

"What do You mean She's getting emotional? Is She having a bad dream about the accident again?"

"I think It's because Oppa's birthday is coming and She keeps thinking about Him.." She said then sighed.

They saw Ryeowon crying the other day while talking to Her Husband's Picture, She is really devastated with what happened but She's trying to act strong in front of everyone especially with Her kids.

Yuri sighed, "I think We should go on a family trip when I get back.."

"Yeah, I think so too.." She said.

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