Part 1

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6 years earlier

"Come on Em, exams are over, let's go out, have fun for once" I say from my position on our dorm room floor, legs draped over Emily's bed my head resting on a bunch of cushions, "You never know, we might meet some cute guys".

Em snorts from her bed, "cute guys are the last thing from my mind, plus we go home in a few days, what's the point?

"That is the point, we can blow off some stream before going home and then never have to see them again" I respond with a wicked smile on my face

"Cami, you are trouble you know that?"

"is that a yes?"

Em groans and mutters "I don't have a choice, do I?"

"Agreeing with me is usually the safest option"

"which one of us is the law student again?" Em asks a laugh escaping her

"You babygirl, I could never be that boring" I say as I jump up off the floor and start flinging open our tiny shared closet "Come on, let's find you something sexy so that you can take your mind off going home"

Current day

I stand in the middle of my apartment, it's completely trashed, books have been pulled off my shelves thrown and torn all over the floor, picture frames are smashed and my couch is ripped to pieces.

I start to walk down towards my bedroom, my hallway is littered with items from my house, everything I love is destroyed.

My bedroom looks like a bomb hit it, clothes, shoes and makeup are everywhere, everything I worked so hard for, destroyed. I grab my phone out of my pocket and text the one person who can help me out of this mess.

'SOS, I need help. I fucked up really bad'

30 seconds later, my phone buzzes

"where are you? I will send someone to come get you'

"My apartment"

"Someone is on their way, are you safe?"

"Honestly, I don't know"

I slide down onto the floor on the other side of my bed, the weight of everything crushing down on me, I close my eyes just for a moment and the next thing I hear is

"Fuck, Cami, where are you?" I hear is boots coming down the corridor and don't bother responding

Nestor is standing in my doorway a moment later, he's radiating anger and I am not entirely sure if its directed at me or the state of my apartment

"Cami, what happened to your face?" he asks gently while leaning down to look at me

"My shitty taste in men caught up with me"

"Who did this to you? I will take care of it"

"Ness, you can't, he's cartel level bad, Lobos cartel actually" I stutter

Nestor flinches and stands up, he quickly surveys my bedroom

"Get up Camila, pack a bag, we need to go" his mood has quickly gone back to business and the previous sympathy towards me is gone.

I pack what I can, luckily most of my clothes and toiletries are dumped onto the floor, I grab my journal and medications out from under my bed, surprisingly they haven't been touched.

Twenty minutes later I am bundled into the back of an SVU heading towards the Galindo compound, praying for forgiveness and understanding from my closest friend and her husband.

Pulling up to the Nestor opens the car door for me, but I remain sitting in the car

"I will carry you inside if I have too, get out of the car" he says curtly without looking at me

knowing full well he would too, I slide out of the car and start heading towards the house, before I can even get up the first step the door flies open and there stands Emily, her face is frantic as soon as she sees me and my bruised face, her face crumples into sadness as she rushes forward to embrace me

"Cami, what happened?" she whispers in my ear

"Inside now please, this house is on lockdown" Nester says along with signalling to two other guards that were standing to the side

"I need to speak to both you and Miguel, I don't really want to have to explain it twice" I tell her

"Miguel is in his office and wants to see you, Nestor you too" Emily says as she turns as both towards the house, I am still wrapped up in her arms, it's time to go face the devil.

Em and I start to make our way down to Miguel's office, the coolness of their house hits me in the face, it's a stark contrast to the extreme heat outside, I shiver as I start walking down the stairs, Em reaches down squeezes my hand, reminding me she's on my team.

Miguel's office door is open, he is sitting at his desk, reviewing some papers in front of him, Em and I enter his office and I sit down on the couch up against the wall, curling my legs up underneath myself. I look around realising Nestor is no longer with us.

Miguel stands up from his desk, kissing Em on her cheek and walks around to me, kissing me on my forehead

"Camila, it's good to see you, though I would prefer less dramatics next time"

I hear Nestor's boots on the stairs, making his way towards Miguel's office, as he enters the office he sees me sitting on the couch and walks over to me, handing me an ice pack for my face and I glass with vodka in it.

"Thanks Ness" I whisper, he nods and takes a stance near the office door.

"Camila, what happened? Nestor said this has something to do with Lobos cartel? My house is now on lockdown due to this" Miguel says, "I understand you have obviously been through something but I need to know what level threat we are facing and what danger you are putting my family in"

"Miguel" Emily says sharply, while moving over to the couch to sit with me, they share a look, one which is not missed my Nestor and myself, one that makes the tension in the room thicker than it already is.

"It's fine Em, he's right, I fucked up and I have put you in danger, that's on me" I take a deep breath and begin my story. 

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