Part 9

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Note: Okay, this is NSFW and is a little bit smutty, but not in the way you may think. let me know what you do think in the comments though! thanks for reading. 

Coco spends the whole day pacing around the house, constantly looking out the windows and checking the outside perimeter

"What's going on? You are making me nervous" I ask

He doesn't respond, he just keeps pacing back and forth

After a few hours, I can't take the silence and constant checks anymore so I decide to go to bed, as I walk down the hallway Coco calls out to me "where are you going?"

"To shower and go to bed, watching you pace is exhausting" I reply

He follows me down to the bedroom stopping the door before I can shut it

"Planning on joining me?" I ask with a flirty smile spreading across my face

"I'm the only one here to watch you" he replies walking into the bedroom "Door stays open, and I will sit in here while you shower" he says walking over to an armchair near the window

"Don't you think that's a bit excessive?" I ask nervously

Coco doesn't respond, I grab my pjs and head towards the bathroom "door stays open" Coco calls out after me

"Unbelievable" I mutter under my breath "it's not like I'm going to get murdered in the shower"

I turn the hot water on and climb into the shower, I take my time washing my hair and enjoying the hot shower feeling it loosen up my muscles and making me forget that Coco is in the next room. I climb out of the shower and change into my pjs, I towel dry my hair, letting my wet curls fall around my face. When I re-enter the bedroom, Coco is staring at me, watching my every move. I pull the covers back and climb into bed "Are you going to tell me a bedtime story?" I ask my flirty smile returning

Coco gets up from the armchair and walks out of the bedroom without a second glance. I get up out of bed, turn off the light and slowly shut the bedroom door. I climb back under the blankets, however I'm now wide awake and thinking about Coco. I wonder what it would have been like if he had of joined me in the shower, his rough hands running up my body, pinning me against the wall. How his lips would feel on my neck. I slowly kick off my pj bottoms, my hands drift up over my breasts, pinching my nipples, making slow circles around them, I'm imagining it's Coco's tongue sliding across them. My right hand starts to travel down my body sliding over my stomach, my hips and finally lands between my legs, as soon as I touch my clit a small moan escapes my lips. I start to go faster, grinding my hips and pushing my fingers harder, wishing it was Coco's fingers, I've completely lost track of my surroundings as my orgasm starts building. Suddenly, the bedroom door flies open and Coco rushes in gun out in front of him, he hits the lights.

I scream and quickly pull the covers up over me.

"Don't you knock?" I ask completely mortified by what's happened

Coco's eyes look over me, realising what he's walked in on "I heard noises and I thought someone was in here" he says a slight blush spreading across his cheeks

"Clearly not"

"My bad" he says lowering his gun and walking out "Coco?" I call out after him

He sticks his head back through the door, his cheeks are completely red now

"Can you turn the light off?"

"Yeah but the door needs to stay open" he says turning the light off

I fall back down on to the pillows completely mortified and turned on by what just happened. After a few minutes of tossing and turning realising I'm not going to be able to get comfortable until I finish what I started, my hand finds its way between my thighs once again. I bite down on the blanket covering me so I don't make any noise and quickly find my rhythm again. My legs start shaking, and seconds later my orgasm washes over me, leaving me twitching and shaking. I lay perfectly still listening for footsteps but the house is silent I quickly drift off to sleep.

I'm suddenly jolted awake and I have no idea why, I roll over and check the time it's a little after midnight and I've only been asleep for a couple of hours. The house is silent and I'm dying of thirst.

I slip out of bed and tip toe quietly down the hallway, when I get to end I'm stopped in my tracks. Coco is sitting on one of the armchairs with his eyes closed and his head tilted back. My eyes travel down his body when I realise his pants are undone and his hand is slowly moving up and down his thick hard cock. My breath catches in my throat as I stand there mesmerised by what's in front of me.

I'm watching Coco's face slowly change into a look of pure pleasure and his hand starts moving faster. I slowly start walking backwards down the hallway praying he doesn't hear me but at the same I can't take my eyes off him. I hear the smallest whimper come out of his mouth as I reach the bedroom door. I freeze knowing that he's potentially heard me. I hear his belt buckle click and I swiftly move across the bedroom floor, climbing back into bed and pulling the covers up, tucking them under my chin.

A few seconds later I hear Coco walking down the hallway, I close my eyes pretending to be asleep. I hear him stop in the doorway, leaning against the frame, watching me sleep. He stands there for a few moments before gently closing the door and walking back to the living room. 

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