Part 18

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Notes: I'm so sorry this update took so long, I just wasn't feeling Cami this week, its a little short too.

Warnings: Violence

A sharp slap across my face snaps me awake, my vision is blurry but I start to adjust to the dim light surrounding me. I'm in some sort of warehouse and I can feel my hands bound behind my back, I try to move but I realise I'm tied to a cement post. Looking up I see a large man, maybe 6'4, shaved head and heavily tattooed

"Good, you're awake" I hear as footsteps approach and Lois leans down in front of me taking my chin into his hand.

"What do you want Lois?" I ask sharply

Squeezing my jaw causing me to wince in pain he replies "well I thought that was obvious, I want you princesa"

I try to shake my head to get him to loosen his grip but he just squeezes harder "I don't like when my things are taken away from me" he says

"I'm not yours, I never was" I spit at him

His hand quickly comes up backhanding me across my face "you are mine, and nothing will change that" he replies coldly standing up

Walking over to the guy standing over me he says "move her upstairs" and walks away not even giving me a second glance

He heads over to me leaning down behind me and snapping my restraints off, i quickly leap to my feet trying to make a run for it, but he grabs me by the hair yanking me back "dumb bitch" he mutters as I struggle against him. He grabs me by the arm and starts dragging me to the other side of the warehouse where there is a staircase forcing me upstairs he pushes me into a room and pulls the door shut behind me I hear a lock click and his boots continue down the hall.

Looking around I realise I'm trapped in a small room, there are no windows and only a dingy overhead light that's flickering. There isn't anything in here except a dirty mattress shoved in the corner. I turn back to the door, jiggling the handle its locked and I try pushing on it but it doesn't bulge.

"FUCK" I yell kicking the door, as soon as my toe collides with it I realise it's reinforced and I yelp in pain "Fucking great Cami, just great" I mutter to myself sliding down onto the floor.

I feel something cool against my skin, patting my jacket I realise the gun I shoved into it earlier is still there, the idiots didn't search me when they took me, pulling my gun out I position myself so I'm sitting against the far wall facing the door, I hold the gun in my hand trying to remember what Nestor taught me, brace my body, square my shoulders and aim "You can do this" I mutter to myself "you will get out of here" I place my gun in my lap, watching the door.

I take a deep breath calming myself, and closing my eyes I try to remember the layout of the warehouse from what I could see, I need to pinpoint an exit, I know I will only get one shot and I will have to run like crazy.

It's hours before I even hear anyone walk pass the room, I sit up trying to listen for voices but the footsteps fade and then nothing.

I feel myself growing tired but I refuse to close my eyes, I focus on my plan - Door opens, I shot and run, find an exit, escape, hide, find a phone, call Nestor I repeat in my head over and over.

Resting my head against the cold wall I think of Nestor, and how much I fucked it up this time, I know telling him the truth was the right thing to do, but I don't want to lose him, sighing I hear footsteps approaching and I grip my gun, taking the safety off, I stand up steading myself squaring my shoulders and taking a deep breath in I aim as the door opens 

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