Part 32

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A/N: Okay so this is something I have been working on for ages, and I have changed it so many times. I wrote a cute fluffy piece for Nestor and Cami today, but it didn't feel right as the next part so I finally finished this part so I can post the part I was working on today. If that makes sense? I seriously hope you guys enjoy this. 

Three months later

I quickly send a text to Em

'Can you meet me at City hall at 9am, bring Miguel, it's really important we have an issue' I tell her. Climbing into bed I quickly fall asleep nervous about tomorrow morning.

The next morning

smoothing down the front of my skirt and fiddle with my earrings in the rear view mirror of the car. Taking a deep breath, I side out of the car locking it behind me and I quickly walk up the stairs into into the lobby of City Hall. I spot Emily and Miguel standing on the far side both looking mildly panicked.

Reaching them Em grabs my arm pulling into a huddle "what is going on?" she asks nervously.

Taking her hand I squeeze it, "its okay let's head this way and I'll explain everything when we get there, it will be okay, I promise" I tell her.

Her and Miguel follow me to the back of City Hall, entering an unmarked door I slip inside pulling Em and Miguel with me. Entering the room my heart stops, there he is wearing a black suit black shirt no tie and his hair in braids and his eyes covered by his yellow shades.

As soon as he sees me his face breaks out in a giant smile he can't control.

"What is going on Nestor?" Miguel asks puzzled his voice dominating the small space.

"Sorry to freak everybody out but we have something important we need to do today so if we could borrow you guys for like 15 minutes?" Nestor replies coyly.

Nestor waves his hand and Cristobal nanny walks out from the side of the room holding their son. The puzzlement grows across both their faces

"Come on, it's time" I say softly walking towards the door at the back of the room.

"What is going on you two, this is getting ridiculous" Miguel retorts.

Pausing, my hand resting on the door handle, I turn to Emily and Miguel.

"You three are our family, you are all we have left, so we felt that today was not just about us, but you two as well" I tell them smirking. Opening the door I look at them both again "We figured today was a good day to get married"

"I'm sorry what?" Emily says shocked.

"Well you know me, I really didn't want a big flashy wedding so here we are" I tell her "I'm hoping that you will be my maid of honour actually"

"Of course I will" she replies excitement spreading across her face "I actually cannot believe the two of you" she says laughing throwing around around me

I can see Miguel embracing Nestor, his forehead pressed against his softly sharing words between the two of them.

"So I know this isn't the traditional way we do things but nothing we ever had done is been traditional, so thank you" I say to them, squeezing Emily tightly.

"You ready?" Nestor asks taking my hand.

"Finally" I reply winking at him.

Entering the room the register nods for us to enter, walking to the front, Nestor and I stand in the middle with Miguel standing beside Nestor and Emily and Cristobal next to me. But I am barely paying attention. I'm watching Nestor out of the corner of my eye.

I can't believe that I spent the last six years running, hiding and fighting this every single step of the way, I can't imagine my life without him, I don't want too. I can hear the register speaking but I don't take in what he is saying. My eyes haven't left Nestor's face he looks panicked. I squeeze his hand "are you okay?" I mouth.
"You promise not to run?" his asks winking at me interrupting her register.

"oh baby I'm done running" I reply squeezing his hand. "I'm into deep" He just smiles at me and we turn back to the register as he continues.

It's time for our vowels, and I can feel tears welling up in my eyes as I swear to love him for the rest of my life to take care of him in sickness and in health, through good times and bad. There's nothing in this world that I would not do to protect him, he is my heart, my soul, my sun, my moon and my stars.

I barely hear Nestor repeat the vowels, everything is fuzzy around me and he is the only thing I see.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" the register says and Nestor steps towards me, cupping my face in his hands.

"Forever and always, in this life and the next" he murmurs as he kisses me.

Pulling apart, I step into him, letting my head rest on his chest.

"Well, looks like you owe me $1000 Mr. Galindo" I hear Emily say playfully.

"What?" Nestor and I exclaim turning to them.

Emily sliding into Miguel's side he just chuckles "Do I need to pay seven years of interest? Or just $1000?" he asks playfully.

"What are you two talking about?" I ask puzzled.

"The first night we meet I told Miguel you two would end up marrying each other" she says playfully "so he bet me $1000 it was never going to happen"

Shaking my head I just laugh "you two are unbelievable" I tell them.

"Yeah well, you two are insufferable, so I guess we are even" Miguel replies laughing.

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