Part 8

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I've had the worst night's sleep, I've spent the whole night tossing and turning, feeling restless I finally decide to get out of bed at 5am, it felt pointless just lying there staring at the ceiling. I change into leggings and do my usual yoga flow, but it doesn't calm me. I tiptoe to the bedroom door, pressing my ear up against it, the house is silent. I walk over to my bag grabbing my Nikes out, thinking I can go for a quick run around the property, burn off some of this restless. I tip toe down the hallway, seeing Angel asleep on the couch and the study room door closed, I assume Coco is asleep in there. I quietly head to the front door and open it far enough for me to slip out, closing it softly behind me.

I inhale the first bit of fresh air I've had in days and turn around ready to throw on my shoes and go for run, Coco is leaning up against a motorcycle smoking.

"Where do you think you are going?" he says pissed off

"Just for a run around the property" I say sheepishly, holding up my shoes

"Back inside now" he says pointing to the door

"Please Coco, I'm going crazy locked up, can I just run laps while you smoke?"

"No" he says glaring at me

I open the front door and storm back inside, not caring about Angel sleeping, I stomp down the hallway and slam the bedroom door. I know I'm acting childish but I don't care. I spend the rest of the day in the bedroom, alternating between reading, working out and pacing back and forth across the room, getting more annoyed by each minute.

There's a knock at the bedroom door and I look up from my spot on the bed where I've been for the past few hours reading, Angel opens the door and sticks his head in

"Hey, it's like 9pm and you haven't come out of this room all day or eaten, you okay?" he asks

"yeah, I just got lost in my book, I'm not really hungry, but you guys feel free to help yourself to whatever is in the fridge" I reply

"Okay, well I have to go do some stuff but Coco and Gilly here, do you need me to bring you back anything?"

"Nah I'm good thanks" I say turning back to my book

I finish my book and roll over looking at the clock its 2am, my stomach growls, I remember seeing some yoghurt in the fridge, I get out of bed and creep down the hallway, the house is dark but there's a lamp on in the living room. As I enter the kitchen I see Coco sitting on the armchair, I open the fridge grabbing a yoghurt and bottle of water out and grab a spoon out of the drawer. He doesn't say anything but I can feel him watching me. I take my snack and head back down to the bedroom not acknowledging his presence, I know I'm acting childish but there is something about Coco that drives me crazy and I don't know what it is.

The next few days pass without incident, Angel and Gilly are on babysitting duties, but I notice that there is no shift change, I've been stuck with Angel and Gilly for three days and I often find my mind wandering to Coco, wondering where he is, and getting annoyed at myself for thinking about him.

On the third night Angel and Gilly are teaching me playing cards and I ask "Any updates on my situation? When am I getting out guys?" I say lightly

"Not sure, there's been some stuff going down so hopefully soon" Angel replies "Are you sick of us or something?" he asks laughing

"Well since you brought it up, Yes, I am sick of your pretty face Angel" I reply laughing

We finish our round of cards and I head to bed, around 2am I'm still wide awake, but based on the pattern of the last two nights I know Angel and Gilly are sleep. I slip out of bed, grabbing my Nikes off the floor and tip toe down the corridor. I slip out the front door silently and sit down on the front steps to put my sneakers on, I jump up and lightly stretch, I start lightly jogging a loop around the house, as I approach the far side of the house almost back at the driveway I'm suddenly pulled into a cluster of bushes and a hand clamps over my mouth a rough voice says in my ear "Don't scream"

I quickly fling my head back my skull colliding with my attacker's face, he groans but doesn't loosen his grip "Jesus Cami, calm down its me Coco" he says while I'm struggling. I stop struggling and Coco lets me go, his hand still clamped over my mouth, spin around losing my footing on the leaves on the ground, I crash into Coco somehow knocking us both onto the ground.

"Are you trying to kill me?" he whispers in pain

"Sorry" I say rolling off him

"Get your ass back inside" he says getting up "We will talk about this later"

I head back to the house, sneaking back inside Angel and Gilly are still asleep as I head back down the corridor and climb into bed, I can't help but think of how much shit I'm going to be tomorrow and how good Coco's body felt up against mine. 

The following morning, I head down to the kitchen, Angel is making coffee

"Morning" I say grabbing a cup off the bench

"Hey, you're up early" he replies

The front door opens and Coco walks in, in the morning light I can see his nose is swollen and he has a black eye forming

"Dude, what happened to your face?" Angel asks him

"I slipped" Coco replies not making eye contact with either of us "Bishop just rang he needs you and Gilly at the clubhouse now"

"Alright, will you be okay here?" Angel replies

"Yeah, I will call if there are any issues" Coco says

Angel goes and wakes Gilly up and they leave a few minutes later, leaving Coco and I alone in the kitchen. I make him a cup of coffee and grab an ice pack out of the freezer.

"Sorry about your face' I say handing him the ice pack and putting the coffee on the bench next to him "How come you didn't rat me out to Angel?" I ask

He takes a sip of the coffee putting the ice pack on the bench "How can you be so fucking stupid?" he asks me, he doesn't wait for me to reply before going off on a long tangent in Spanish, he stops just staring me, "well?" he asks

"I don't speak Spanish, so I missed that second part but to answer the first question I've been cooped up in the house for a week and a half now, I'm going crazy, I just needed some fresh air" I reply

"You don't speak Spanish?" he replies looking puzzled

"No, why?"

he just shrugs "Just don't leave the house again okay? You are lucky I realised it was you and I didn't shoot you"

"What were you doing outside hiding in the bushes anyway?"

"Keeping your stupid ass safe, just stay inside okay? No more late night runs, or else I will rat you out"

"How did you even realise it was me? It was pitch black out there"

"I recognised your footsteps"

"You recognised my footsteps?" I ask puzzled

"Yeah, you favour your right side and even though you are light on your feet, every third step you push down heavily on your right" he replies shrugging "like you said, it's a small house and its echo's"

"So, you listen to me walk?"

"I listen to everything that goes on around me, that's my job" he finishes his coffee, putting the cup in the sink "I'm going outside for a minute, stay put" he says walking to the front door.

I sigh, I head over to the bookcase to find another book, possibly one I haven't read, praying that Miguel sorts out shit with the Lobos Cartel soon so I can go home and forget about this whole horrible ordeal. 

Note: Thank you to everyone who is reading this! Seriously, I really appreciate it! Also, I have the next part ready to go, its definitely not PG-13. #allthecocosmut 

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