Part 19

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two years earlier

Watching my phone buzz in the palm of my hand, I ignore Emily's smiling face staring up at me, waiting for her to hang up or for the call to go to voicemail and just like that her face is gone and my book reappears.

A message notification slides down, Emily left a voicemail, sighing I clear the notification and continue reading

"Next stop, Paris Gare du Nord" a voice sounds out over the train, gathering my bags I prepare to exit the train, slipping my phone into my coat pocket I stand as the train pulls into the station, exiting the train I step out into the busy station getting lost in the crowd.

Checking into my hotel, I collapse into bed jet lag over taking me, I sleep for the next eighteen hours.

Waking up I feel dehydrated but my jet lag is completely gone, sliding out of bed I grab a bottle of water and my phone heading out onto the balcony and sitting down at the outdoor setting.

Checking my phone I see I have 29 missed calls from Emily

"Shit" I mutter panicked I quickly dial her back

"Hello?" she picks up groggily

"Sorry did I wake you?" I ask

"Cami?" She whispers I hear her moving around

"Yeah it's me"

"Jesus Christ Cami, where are you?" I hear her as she closes a door

"I'm around" I reply looking out over the Paris landscape "what's wrong? I saw all your missed calls"

"What's wrong?" She asks angrily "my best friend disappeared into the night a year ago and no one has heard from her since"

"I check in with Miguel" I reply defensively

I can feel the rage radiating off Emily through the phone "Cami, what the fuck is going on?"

"I just needed to get away, figure out who I am" I reply shrugging

"Cami, I don't know what happened between you and Nestor—"

"Nothing happened this isn't about him" I say harshly, cutting her off

I hear her sigh, "I need you to come home" I hear her pain in her voice

"Em I can't"

"I need you, I don't know if I can do this" she replies

"Do what?"

"Be the woman that Miguel expects me to be" She says I can hear tears in her voice

"Em" I reply softly "I don't know how I can help you, you have Dita she's probably going to be better at it then me"

"Cam, my mom is sick, Miguel and I are fighting all the time and I'm alone, I need you" she says begging

Closing my eyes pushing the tears back "Okay" I say sighing "I'm coming home"

"Thank you" she replies softly

Exiting LAX and climbing into a cab I feel a wave of exhaustion wash over me

"Where to Miss?" The driver asks me pausing I consider my options and give him an address.

Leaning back in to the seat I can't fight my heavy eyelids anymore and I'm asleep within seconds, the next thing I know I hear the cab driver say "we are here Miss, do you need help with your bags?"

Opening my eyes and reaching for my wallet I mumble "no it's okay" after paying I climb out grabbing my suitcase I watch the driver pull out of the street.

Sighing I turn to look at the house in front of me, all of the lights are off and it's oddly still "well Cami it's the middle of the night what did you expect?" I think to myself grabbing my suitcase and making my way around the side of the house.

Slipping through the back gate quietly I climb up onto the back deck, finding the plant with the spare key, unlocking the back door I enter the house closing the door softly behind me, dumping my bags in the corner I kick my shoes off and make my way into the kitchen in the dark. Opening the freezer I reach into the back pulling out the bottle of vodka, opening it and taking a swing I put the bottle down on the bench and open the fridge, suddenly starving.

Standing there surveying the contents of the empty fridge I hear the safety being latched back onto the gun

"How many intruders raid your fridge?" I ask not turning around

"You're lucky I didn't but a bullet in the back of your head" he mutters

"Shouldn't have hesitated" closing the fridge door and pushing myself up onto the kitchen bench, resting my head on the cabinet doors "You know you have no food right?" I say

"Where the fuck have you been Camila?" he asks anger tingeing his voice I watch him out of the corner of my eye as he leans against the door frame his arms crossing over his bare chest

"I needed to work some shit out" I reply shrugging my shoulders

"Oh you needed to work some shit out?" he says bitterly "you left in the middle of the night, no goodbye, no note not even a fucking email, a whole year I've spent thinking you were dead in a ditch somewhere" his voice raising on the last part

"You left too Ness, I wasn't the only one leaving in the middle of the night" I reply softly reaching for the bottle of vodka taking a swing

"I was doing my job" he says stepping towards me "why are you really here?"

"Em said she needed me"

"Oh so you answered Emily's calls but no one else's?, she needs you and you come running, what about me?" he asks his voice vulnerable, I've never seen Nestor like this, his voice raw and I could see tears forming in his eyes

Bowing my head "I'm here now" I whisper

"But for how long?" he asks I can hear the exhaustion in his voice

Looking up at him "I can only promise tonight" I say

Nestor steps towards me his hands resting on my thighs, using his hips he spreads my legs slipping between them and wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his forehead against mine.

"And if I asked you to stay forever?" he whispers

"Please don't" I reply choking back tears

His hand comes up cupping my cheek "well then I guess we just have tonight" he murmurs as he presses a kiss to my lips 

One Kiss  - Mayans MCWhere stories live. Discover now