Part 3

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I wake up a few hours later, feeling worse than I did before I fell asleep. I have a pounding headache and my whole body is stiff and sore. I stretch slowly and sit up, I sit on the edge of the bed until the room stops spinning. I reach for the bottle of water Em left me yesterday afternoon and I chug it down. I slowly stand and change out of my shorts and tank into a pair of black ripped jeans and a vintage Clash band tee, I pull my hair up into a bun on top of my head and look for my phone before I remember it was missing. I decide to head up stairs and attempt to eat something because I cannot remember the last time I ate and the vodka and guilt is eating away at my stomach lining.

As I enter the kitchen I see Em sitting at the large wooden dining room table

"Morning, coffee is in the pot" she says brightly

"thanks" I mutter, pouring myself a large cup and dumping 4 sugars into it. I slide into the chair across from Em stealing a piece of toast off her plate.

"You know that kind of disrespect will get your hands cut off around here" she says jokingly

"I could only hope for such mercy from my dearest friend" I respond

"So, I take it from the bottle of vodka I found on the bench this morning and your glamorous look this morning you didn't sleep through the night"

"You would be correct in that assumption"

the front door creaks open and both Em and I turn to watch Nestor enter, he's still wearing the same clothes from last night and he looks exhausted

"Morning Emily, where is Miguel?"

"Morning Nestor, he is in his office" Em responds

Nestor walks down the corridor and down the stairs towards the study, once he's out of earshot Em turns to me puzzled "What was that about?"

"What was what about?" I reply, trying to keep my face blank

"He just ignored the fact you were sitting here, usually he would say good morning to both of us"

I pull my hair out of its bun, suddenly very interested in my split ends and avoiding eye contact with Em. She kicks my chair under the table "well?" she says

"it has something to do with the bottle of vodka you found on the bench" I reply not looking up from my hair

"oh really? Like the night in Cabo or" Em says trailing off

"Not like the night in Cabo, Cabo was tequila not vodka and it was more like I said some pretty shitty things and told him I didn't need his help" I say looking up "Also, I thought we were never going to speak of Cabo ever again" shooting daggers at Em from across the table

Em holds her hands up in a mock surrender "I forgot, don't shoot me" she says laughing

I kick her under the table and we both dissolve into fits of giggles

A throat clears behind Em and one of the guards is standing there "Sorry to interrupt, but Mr. Galindo would like to see you both in his office now"

"Thank you, we will go down now" Em says regaining her composure

I stand up and grab my coffee cup, "I guess it's time to face the firing squad" I say to Em and we head downstairs towards the study.

When we enter, Nestor, Miguel and a man I don't know are standing behind his desk reviewing some papers and Miguel gestures for us to sit on the couch, as we sit I whisper to Em "Why do I feel like I am in the principal's office about to be told off, or spanked?" we both dissolve into fits of giggles again.

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