Part 2

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"I met this guy, Luis at a work event, he was..... charming" I pause collecting my thoughts "he seemed like a normal nice guy, he wore a suit, apparently was some big shot developer, he asked me out for dinner and I said yes" 

I take a gulp of the drink Nestor handed me earlier 

"We always went out for dinner, and slept in hotel rooms, never my place or his, he said he travelled a lot for work and didn't have a place, I just assumed he had a girlfriend, or a wife, I didn't really care" I could see Nestor tensing out of the corner of my eye but his eyes stayed glued ahead, Em squeezes my hand encouraging me to continue. 

"After a few months, he told me he had a place and invited me over, it wasn't until I was in his apartment and met some of his friends that I realised he was part of something criminal, I broke things off with him that night, but he didn't take it very well"

"Why didn't you reach out then?" Miguel says

"Because I thought he just was a regular criminal, I had no idea he was part of Lobos cartel until last night"

"What happened last night?" Em says as she rubs my back

"He spent the last few weeks stalking me or having me followed, I filed a police report but that did nothing, I had been staying in a hotel or my office, last night I didn't see anyone following me so I went home. Turns out he had found out where I lived and was waiting for me"

I finish my drink in one gulp and place the empty glass on the table in front of me before continuing "he had gone through my apartment and found pictures of Em and I, he attacked me and told me he was part of Lobos cartel. I must have screamed because my neighbour started pounding on the door, when Luis went to open the door I fled to the bathroom and climbed out the window. I fled to a friend's house who cleaned me up and then when I went home this morning I messaged Em"

Miguel observed me for a moment "I need to know more about this guy, Nestor find out what you can and what they know, Camila I will try my best to protect you from this, but this is one hell of a shit show you have brought to my door" he says carefully

"Yeah, I know. Another Cami mess to be cleaned up" I state bitterly

"Come on, let's get you settled in the spare room and you can rest" Em says helping me off the couch, leading me out of the study.

Em and I start to head back upstairs towards the guest room I stay in when I come to visit, it's a beautiful room, everything is soft cream and gold with massive glass doors that overlook the pool and the estate. My bag is already sitting at the foot of the bed and the doors are open letting in fresh air.

"Go have a shower Cami, I will shut all this up and you can have a nap" Em says

I barely hear her as I walk towards the bathroom shutting the door behind me, I turn the water on in the large double headed black marble shower. I start to undress, catching sight of myself in the mirror, wincing at my reflection I start to take stock of my battered body. My 5'2 frame, is curvy, large breasts, flat stomach, big ass and tanned skin which is currently littered with bruises thanks to Luis. My ribs are taped, my friend Claire who is a nurse and cleaned me up, thinks that I cracked a few ribs but without an x-ray she wasn't sure. My black hair is pulled up in a bun on top of my head, I rip the elastic out letting my wavy hair fall into my face, its mattered with blood from my face. I step into the hot water letting the water sooth me.

6 years ago

Em and I decide to go to this new club downtown, it's supposed to be the new hot spot, not really my scene but Em agreed to come out with me so I let her pick the spot. Our cab pulls up and I jump out, quickly paying the driver and racing around to Em's side of the cab. We quickly line up in front of the large warehouse and while in line I can hear 90s R&B pumping

One Kiss  - Mayans MCМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя