Part 10

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I lay in bed for an hour wide awake, not wanting to face Coco after last night but my rumbling stomach has other ideas. I drag my sorry ass out of bed and head towards the kitchen. I'm surprised to see Angel sitting at the kitchen counter, Coco nowhere in sight.

"Hey" I say heading towards the coffee machine "Coffee?" I ask

"Yeah that would be great" he replies

"Is it just us or is Coco still here?" I ask busying myself with the machine

"Just us, Coco was needed elsewhere"

I let out a sigh relief and finish making coffee, sitting a cup down in front of Angel, I notice that his face is cut up and bruised.

"What happened to your face" I ask, grabbing a cup and making myself a cup of strong coffee

"I got into a fight, no big deal" he says "So Galindo's head guy called before, he is coming by with some more food and stuff and a couple of his guys to watch you. We've got some club business to deal with and it looks like you will be here a little while longer" he says apologetic

"Nestor's coming here?" I reply

"That's what I was told, why?"

"No reason, I just assumed he was busy with Galindo stuff" I say shrugging "I'm going to get dressed" I say grabbing my coffee and heading down the hallway to the bedroom.

While getting dressed I find my mind drifting towards Coco and the night before, I can't get the image of his face in ecstasy out of my mind, wondering what he was thinking about and hoping it was me.

I pick up my phone sending a text

"Safe for you to talk?" I curl up on  the bed and my phone starts ringing


"Hey yourself, I haven't heard from you in two weeks"

"Well Emily, I don't know if you know this but I'm in lockdown, so I don't really get a lot of time to make calls" I reply laughing

"It's good to know you are alive though" she replies

"Yeah, barely. I'm going a little crazy. And I was just told that I'm going to be here for a little longer" I say

"So I heard" I hear Em closing a door "Apparently, Lobos Cartel has a bounty out on you, I overheard Marcus and Miguel this morning"

"Shit, I don't know why, it's not like I know anything" I reply my voice shaking

"I don't know either, but if I hear anything else I will let you know. Nestor had been keeping me informed but I haven't seen him in a week"

"What do you mean you haven't seen Nestor in a week?" I ask concern and guilt creeping into my voice

"He's been doing something for Miguel on the other side of the border, that's all I know"

"Angel just told me he was on his way here"

"Well he must be back then, I just haven't seen him" she replies, "Speaking of Angel, how are things going with the MC?"

"Well, I met Ez and dazzled him with my Cami charm and he hasn't been back since" I laugh "And the others are okay"

Em snorts "What did you say to Ez?"

"I basically told him I hate him and to stay out of my way, total teenage girl bullshit, but I couldn't help it. As soon as I saw him all I could think about was you when we first met and how heartbroken you were and I wanted to punch him in his stupid face" I pause "oh and he woke me up, so you know how well I deal with that"

"I'm surprised he's still alive, remember that time Miguel woke you up and you threatened to skin him alive, it's the only time I've ever seen him scared" she says laughing "Cami, but seriously, a lot has changed since we met, Ez is a good guy, maybe you should be nicer?" 

"Not a chance in hell, you could stand to be a bit less nicer to him" I reply

Em sighs knowing this is an argument neither of us will win "I have to go, but I will speak to you soon okay?"

"Okay, I love you"

"Love you too, stay safe" she says as she hangs up.

Just as I get off the phone to Em there is a knock at the bedroom door "Come in" I say

Nestor walks in looking worse than I've ever seen him, his clothes are crumpled and it doesn't look like he has shaved in weeks.

"Hey stranger" he says walking over to the bed

"Hey yourself" I reply looking at him as he sits on the edge of the bed "I heard you've been MIA for the past week"

Nestor just looks at me taking off his sunglasses "Emily?"

"Who else"

"I've been over the border following a lead on Luis"

"How much is the bounty on me?"

Nestor looks at me and I can feel anger radiating off him "Does that woman ever keep anything from you?"

"Em and I don't have secrets, you should know that by now"

"None at all?" he says raising an eyebrow at me

"None" I reply firmly

"You're telling me that Emily knows all about us? Our emails, Cabo, her wedding night?" he says his voice trailing off

"She knows that we emailed while you were away, but not what we talked about, she knows about Cabo but she doesn't know about her wedding night"

"So, you have secrets" he replies pointedly 

"No, I have memories that are too personal and too raw to share, there's a big difference. And it's not like you don't tell Miguel everything" I say defensively

"I've never told Miguel about anything that's happened between us"

"Oh" is all I manage to say

"How are things going with the MC?" he asks changing the subject 

"They are fine" I say shrugging "I just can't wait to get out of here, I'm getting sick of these four walls and I've run out of books"

"I'm trying my best to get you out of here, I will have one of the guys coming tomorrow bring some more books for you. The MC have some other business, so there are a few of my guys posted around the property until the MC return" he says firmly  "The front door is to remain locked, understood?" 

I nod, Nestor gets up off the bed "I have to go, but it was good to see you Cami" he turns and walks towards the door


he turns leaning against the doorframe watching me

"I'm sorry you have to constantly rescue me and I'm sorry I made such a mess of things"

he just nods and walks down the hallway, I hear the front door close firmly behind him.

For the next three days' time drags by so slowly, no one enters the house but I see guards walk past a window every now and again.

I spend every moment lost in my thoughts, thoughts mostly of Coco which makes me feel restless.

On the forth night I'm sitting on the couch reading a book that out of the pile that Nestor sent over while eating dinner, the front door opens and I jump behind the end of the couch hiding. I start to panic feeling my anxiety well up inside of me, I try to remain calm but the overwhelming sense of panic consumes me and I start hyperventilating.  

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