Part 29

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"Are you sure you don't want to join us?" Emily asks as I zip up her dress

"I'm sure I don't want to join my best friend and her husband on a romantic dinner thanks though" I say laughing

"I don't like the idea of you being here alone, you came all the way here to spend time with us" she says putting her earrings in

"Em, I love you but I don't need a babysitter" I say sitting down on the edge of her bed

Watching me in the mirror "have you spoken to him?" she asks me softly

"I spoke, he listened" shrugging I continue "he didn't say anything, I guess I really fucked it up this time" I say avoiding her eyes

Turning around and walking over to me Em wraps me up in her arms, kissing my head "it will be okay, have a little faith" she says stroking my hair

"Alright, enough sad talk" I say pushing her off me "you've got a hot date"

Laughing Em grabs her clutch and we head out to the living room, entering the room Miguel's eyes instantly find Em, full of love and lust he moves over to her wrapping her up in his arms kissing her. I let out a dramatic fake cough "okay lovebirds, save it for dessert" I say laughing

"Night Cami, don't wait up" Miguel says wrapping his arm around Em's shoulders as they head out the front door

"Ohhh I won't" I say the door closing behind them hearing the car pull out of the driveway I check the time 8:00pm, sighing I head down to my room, quickly changing into a pair of leggings, an oversized t-shirt and throwing my Nikes on.

I head down the hallway and sneak out the backdoor straight onto the beach, heading down to where the tide is coming in I start running, falling into an easy rhythm with nothing but the waves crashing and my feet hitting the sound as noise.

Reaching the cove at the other end of the beach I start to feel my calves getting tight and my lungs burning, turning around I slowly jog back to the other end of the beach, when the house is in sight I collapse down on the sand kicking off my Nikes and socks burying my toes into the sand.

Pulling my hair out of its ponytail I let it cascade around my face in a sweaty curly mess, I lay down in the sand and start counting the stars above my head, while trying to catch my breath.

When my breathing finally returns to normal, I start stretching, rolling my feet and ankles, pointing my toes to stretch out my calves and finally lifting my arms above my head stretching my whole body out my back cracking I let out a deep moan.

"You want to be careful making those noises" Nestor's voice says from above me

Smiling "why?" I ask

I feel him sit down next to me "Who knows what type of animals you'll attract"

Laughing I sit up shaking the sand out of my hair drawing my knees up to my chest I rest my chin on my knees.

Nestor and I sit there in silence watching the waves roll in the silence between us comforting I'm not sure of how much time passes but we are both lost in thought. I feel the wind pick up sending shivers down my spine and causing my skin to erupt in goosebumps, my teeth chattering I lean forward grabbing my shoes and socks "I'm heading back inside, it's freezing" I say jumping up Nestor doesn't move "Goodnight Nessy" I whisper as I turn and walk towards the house

"Cami?" I hear him call out

"Yeah" I say turning back to him, he is still facing the ocean the moon illustrating his frame

"Your favourite book is Peter Pan, as a kid you were mad that only boys were lost boys, your favourite movie is You've got mail because you're a giant romantic at heart but if anyone asks you you say it's Silence of the Lambs to hide that fact, and you're allergic to strawberries" he says pausing before continuing "I know everything there is to know about you and that's why I fell in love with you" pushing himself off the sand he walks towards me "and that's why I can't be your friend because I can't stand by and watch another man make you happy, it would kill me" pushing past me he walks up the beach and into the house without a second glance at me. 

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