Part 4

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Notes: This is really long, I am sorry! I just got caught up in Cami and Nestor, damn Nestor being such a hottie 

Emily and I are sitting on the patio when Miguel comes upstairs for dinner

"Good evening ladies" he says kissing me on the forehead, he proceeds to walk around to Em, kissing her as well "Can I get either of you a glass of wine?"

Em nods and I shake my head

"What about a nice cool glass of vodka?" Miguel asks me with a smirk on his face "I think I have a bottle chilling in the freezer"

"I'm fine with water, thank you" I reply trying not to laugh

"Suit yourself" Miguel replies placing a glass of wine in front of Em and taking a seat next to her

We chat about his day and enjoy the sunset over the compound, Nestor walks out onto the patio

"All sorted?" Miguel asks

"Everything is set" Nestor replies

"Excellent, Nestor please clean-up for dinner, we will be eating in ten minutes" Miguel tells him, Nestor nods and goes back into the house to clean up

a few minutes later he reappears and goes to sit next to me at the table, at the same time both Em and I say, "No guns at the dinner table", Em and I all burst out laughing

Nestor takes off his holster and drapes it over the back of the chair "Happy?"

"It's an improvement, but I would prefer if it was inside, we have more than enough guards watching us" Em responds

Nestor sighs, stands and takes his holster inside the house, handing it to one of his men, momentarily he takes his place next to me at the table and dinner is served.

We sit in a comfortable silence while eating, before Miguel says, "You know, I can't remember the last time we did this, the four of us just eating dinner"

We all pause to try and think when we all together like this last "It was two years ago, when Emily tried to make us celebrate thanksgiving" Nestor replies

"Oh, yeah and she burnt the shit out of the turkey and we ended up ordering pizza and sitting on the floor getting drunk" I say smiling at the memory

"I didn't burn the turkey, the oven broke" Em says in her defence

"Em, darling, you are a terrible cook, you burnt the turkey" I reply

All four of us start laughing at the memory of Em and the burnt turkey. Nestor's phone rings breaking the moment.

"No phone calls at the table" Em says

"Sorry, I have to take this" Nestor says standing up and walking inside, we sit in silence until Nestor re-appears a few minutes later

"Sorry to do this, but we are going to have to move to the safe house soon, are you all packed Cami?" he says

Nestor's words crash me back to reality reminding me why I'm here "Yeah I am all packed, except my phone, I can't seem to find it anywhere" I say

"I have your phone in the car" Nestor replies as he turns to walk back into the house

I just look at Em with a puzzled look on my face and she shrugs

We both stand up and hug, Em holds me closely whispering in my ear "everything will be okay, I promise"

We pull apart and turn to Miguel "thank you for everything, seriously, I owe you big time" I say he pulls me in for a hug "just bring a bottle of vodka next time you come over for dinner" he says laughing while kissing my forehead

One Kiss  - Mayans MCWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu