Mixed Feelings

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The dealings and the feelings that I went through as a young adult may not have the same pain and development that other adults felt, but I am surely able to acknowledge the lack of tone in many interactions than others in this modern world. Although...the directness toward this kind of emotion is a bold opinion towards self, it never fails to show me chitchats that are being used by the many to appear exceptional than the rest, which has reached a point where it has been able to obstruct the basic stillness that our juniors need to experience in many kinds of nightfall.

Although...sometimes I felt this occurrence irrelevant, still...I can never be able to let myself deplete the personal sympathy that blooms around it. For that reason alone, so far...it has allowed me to experience many moments of truth that are constructed by head leanings and a sleepy voice on the shoulder, which is an event that I hate to see being normalized more often on the surface of generations that is supposed to be able to create miracles with their interest towards sophistication and elaborateness. An event, which I recognize starting to be able to retain authority and personality, despite it doesn't possess enough power to fight the fragility that we all had in ourselves.

When it comes to my honesty regarding the aftermath and the criticality of this matter, it is inevitable for me to feel alone. I have seen and received so much insight from younger generations who undergo this matter, but still...there is no awareness in front of my sight that can make my mind want to stay longer to elevate comprehension. Bear in mind that it is...never been a problem for me to listen to the emotional poetry they cherished, but it is the weariness towards knowing the same aftermath and motive that made me bored to filter what they're trying to perceive.

In other words, all I know so far is...the more I ask the young generation about the things they do in their free time, the wider the inner wound I would hear in their voices. It is a complementary presence that I realize has been able to make the relations between the current and the previous generation unable to born a fascination and image that is capable of benefiting both parties, which is a phenomenal polarization we tend to avoid its narrative before we do something that is resetting or pioneering.

It is necessary to understand that despite the volume of these occurrences can be traumatizing and reduce our time in enjoying music and a cup of warm chocolate, it can never stop bothering our reaction towards each other if there is no training about possessing an inner ceremony that can comprehend the whisper that comes from the keyhole of a heart. It is a part of life that I know needs to be bear for eternity if we do want the future to be filled with generations that care about the absence of necessary things.

There is no denying the fact that modern discussions need to be tested more often with vigilance and reclamation, but keep in mind that it also needs to be able to crave an interest or an idea that can hover self reliability when purpose and destination are starting to deform love and the good things that have been created unconsciously. It needs to be realized that the wide awake from hollow midnight and its slavery can be experienced more often by the next generations if we do not possess the ability to provoke reasonings that can understand flat emotional states and the purge that could chase us along the way for a lifetime.

Although, everyone has the right to discuss and think about the correlation between personal dramatization and generational immaturity as this bonding crisis is rising in numbers, the towering argument of this event has surely been able to attack both the young and old generations to the point where I can hear many sounds of heartbreaking by only sitting five feet away from them. It has made the quiet depression we all endure transform into laughable contentment, bringing us closer to a failure that echoes sheer pettiness.

In my observations, sometimes, I feel pity to see some of the young victims of this social mess calling my name at the moment the crowd they can find is only capable of floating human emotions on top of materialistic buying power. I feel sad to see them constantly being encountered by living beings that only exist to give contract and politicized the grief that ruins motivations and respirations act towards afterlife discussion, which has rarefied the human desire in wanting to have historical faces.

At this stage of life, all I can confirm is...the late nights we know able to cultivate screaming from victorious speech and friendship will be replaced soon enough with a blank stare, idiotic reasonings, and ignorance towards complications, especially...if there's a lack of admiration towards the regular spare time we can use to fill our mind with discovery and campaign that is known able to articulate a series of chess games and humbling experiences.

It needs to be known that sometimes the reason why inner peace can't be achieved in today's conversations is...because we promote too much about defense mechanisms and facial expressions rather than explaining what needs to be clarified when the intervention of fictional procrastination attacks our mind at the moment we are not ready of being open to someone else, which can be highly sensitive when the undergoing conversations demand conception of happiness.

Bear in mind that the younglings we breed for the future will never be able to feel comfortable with their own youth and be free from sleeping pills if there is no chatter that speaks genuinely about the brute reality that waging a war with speech and many fascism that has been created intentionally to bury many talent and possibilities, which could only provide a declining animation for the young mind to be played with every single day.

The intoxicated history we create will never stop engaging and giving karma to the new generation unless we have the bravery to acknowledge the sheer secret and disgrace that some humans hide to acquire redemption in complexities. It is critical to understand that the perspective and the boiling point that lies inside the young generation's minds will never be able to stand far away from naivety and ridiculing irony if we never care to have the heart to become something that is able to conversate the exploration that has caused many humans to inherit responsibilities and many of its identity.

It is necessary to understand that the world without observation and investment towards possessing the competence in seeing hollowness between the things that its habitant praised is always meant to end with an atmosphere that initiates collisions and clusters of lust, which is an event that is starting to seize an existence in the writings that I see on the wall and in many public bathrooms, confirming and developing many connections of doubts that are pridefully wrong.

It needs to be emphasized more often that the evaporation that is being endured by our youngsters can be caused by the lack of intervention and attention towards the mystery and the limitations they tried to combine as a weapon to strike reality. Whether we are ready or not to acknowledge the relations and expressions that foreshadow their inner dialogues, still...it is not the reason why we should nurture them constantly to believe that the heartbeat they feel is not loud enough to neutralize the past mistakes that have been stuffed.

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