A Telephatic Games

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The cartoonish part about being alone is that people will start to behave real, once they see the things that you do in quietness are able to produce something surprisingly wonderful and harmonious. At this point of growth, despite all the disturbance I received from the outside, all I can say regarding experiencing the possession of this nuance is...it has made me able to weaken and resist mundane competition that comes from an unreconciled avatar. It has made my soul able to stimulate unrivaled configuration that can alleviate and tenderize anything that comes to challenge my freedom.

The reality that has been revealed from this personal doing of mine has made me realize that there's no such thing called crossover, there's only a sequence with liability. It has made me able to walk through many human emotions, only by seeing the number on the clock and the lights from many skyscrapers. It has made me able to manifest many voices into something that can go beyond the immense judgement. It made me brave to cut ties that only favor one-sided narratives.

Although...when it comes to my honesty, this inner nuance is indeed unusual to be known and considered as bombastic inner proficiency in the public eyes, it surely can make those who retain it able to see and find the dirty thread that has caused some humans to rely on the same deportment and manner at daylight and night in order to hide their visibility in many edge and acidity they have created.

The fluke of having the serenity of being privately inclusive has taught me that the best basis and comprehension that I need to preserve in this world is to be able to give many ways to explore when conspiracy and mandates attack those who are innocent, which so far has led me to be able to make some human who believes they are far from atonement able to create gravity between the things that caused them to undergo countless stale side effects, more than I could have hoped for.

No matter how constant or how hard it is for me to not try to see what this inner happening has flowed into my nerve and senses, it surely has encouraged me to understand numerous amount of rare inspirations that a singular mind can commit, despite there being a better role awaits. It has elevated me to the point where I can take comfort, only by unwrapping the heart to audit humane stories and their muse, causing me to grow into an adult that understands the necessity of having a quiet hustle that is capable of bestowing respectful verse for the heartbeat of a failure, which tends to reminisce unjoyful reward and attract prestigious entity.

What seems to be the ideal complementary question regarding all these background explanations is..."how can we have full control of our life and be free from nonsense quarrels if we rarely push ourselves to have an investment that can create and interpret the gap that exists in our consciousness?". "How can we have sanity and happiness if we frequently believe we are the best manifestation of other's regimes?".

It needs to be understood that the capability of doing many miraculous things is not meant to be a medium to cover self-deception. Bear in mind that instead of spoiling ourselves with fancy quotes and a mimicry atmosphere to make the dwelling of perfection feel real, sometimes...a week of quietness with absorbing and regulating what has been profaned wildly without external consent can be a lot more useful in creating valuable aftermath and humbling presence, especially to those who tend to feel immune with a maddening twist.

It has come to my understanding that the action of sitting alone under the branches is not meant to be terrorizing the glitter and the people that wander, sometimes...it needs to be done because it is the only thing that could bolster the critical nature of understanding the answers and results that most humans hate to have in chatters. Sometimes, it also needs to be done for the sake of nourishing the personal rumination towards wonders and accretion.

In other words, it has come to my attention that the strongest posture that anyone should consider having is...possessing minimalism that can give the mind an option to be better with its own facade and portrayal, the one that can free the mind from the problematics that only revolve around the desire of sacrificing many necessities and higher mappings for the sake of rejoicing and equaling what can not.

At the end of the day, what was always been the main benefit that needs to be remembered regarding possessing these "all-alone anomalies" is...it can give someone exuberant strength and essence in discerning a type of life that only gives relentless scripts without any sign of change. It can make someone retain an infamous amount of knowledge and skill sets that can reveal the system that exists to rob the young generation's desire in becoming "the best" at something. A system, which only quantifies the magic and the pulse of being distracted to enrich those who possessed an extreme hunger in creating a profiting horror dilemma.

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