The Ceiling Glass

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By shaking hands with many individuals with hollow faces that are weirdly able to succeed in life, I have come to realize that most of the law in our world is still stuck between sensitive thoughts and prejudice that only rely on something culturally trendy. It has made the divergent ones quieter with their own world and plans towards moving to another secluded place, which left the societal ground to be filled with flat flow and individuals who don't have the interest to observe.

Somehow, the aftermath of such occurrences has been able to sustain an evolving field that neither my heart nor my brain can understand. I find it concerning to see how countless dreams from genius minds are only being able to draw in more isolation than an act that lies behind the curtain of degeneracy. It has granted us a kind of fading that does not have a walk towards being a lantern for the classical ride that needs to be illuminated by every single human.

It has reached a point where the limitations from this particular commonness have given so many powers to those who are already able to celebrate every atom of basic needs and bankruptcy to those who possess intellect towards the historical context of many things, which has made today's generation to experience a phenomenon that only relies on the circumstance of pointing fingers and barbaric numbing.

It has reached a point where the limitations from this particular commonness have given so many powers to those who are already able to celebrate every atom of basic needs and bankruptcy to those who possess intellect towards the historical contex...

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It has deprived many human emotions to the point where there are only a few who understand how to synchronize simple observation and ratification into something purposive. It has made me curious to witness...whether there's a way for humans to enjoy enormous instances without knowing or experiencing the little argument that is cementing the structure.

When it comes to my senses and temperament regarding this common alarming state, it certainly does capable of pushing my breath and boiling my blood to an extent where I endlessly burden my brain with landmarks and egos that needs to be implanted for the sake of healthier generations, which is one of my weak points that people tend to use to manipulate and hybridize their true intention in front of me. An example of why I can't seem to find an existence in the middle of a crowd that propagates the peripherals of their own level.

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