Life And Audacity

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If a kiss or a cuddle can make us forget about time and cross-parent meetings can promise us a greater scenario then...why the things that I've encountered from such recreation in today's society are mostly shipments of trauma?. Even if...the answers possible to have involvement around personal environmental circumstances or artificiality towards relationships, why is it hard for humans to at least formulate an authentic dialogue that can reduce its commonness in today's atmosphere for the sake of greater generational behaviors?. Why can't we stop arranging such problems into a Christmas tree for the sake of having a lavish doorbell for others to notice?.

It is a curiosity and a discovery of mine which I don't understand why being avoided, despite its simplicity, to the point where it has caused many people to laugh at a joke as long as it doesn't come out of my mouth. I feel bewildered to see...the more I desired answers and integral enlightenment towards the discovery I undergo, the more I received a bizarre magnitude toward closure.

Sometimes...I wonder, is it always been a norm to isolate hospitality for those who love to question shards of aggression that are falling from common things? Is it always been a norm to use almost every basic sympathetic doing as a medium or a source of power for emotional spills? Despite some of them being meant to be utilized as an option to understand the necessary solitary existence.

The lack of deep explanation and opportunities to observe the past aftermath from the normalization of these thirsts and nuance has made many modern humans compete to become noble, to an extent where it has given the world an excessive amount of philosophical traits in acquiring a genetic code to rule and control. An act of acquisition, which I never expected able to deplete standards that breed rich characters and healthy subconscious minds.

How can we acquire a meaningful chapter of life if most of us never come to a sense of shame in not being able to register what the world needs to be able to propose harmony and equity?. It is an opening question, which I wonder...if it still has significance in modern people's hearts before they banned most of my sense of curiosity in this era where numbing is the top priority for ruling any vibrations and courses of bonding.

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