Land Of Milk And Honey

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Many of us have "prominent names" that can be used to improve the world, but instead...we rather choose to incline such power towards the state of being twisted once we heard the word "criminals" from individuals who only donate psychopathic events in this world. Many of us want the world order to change, while still not being able to understand which act of amplification makes hatred and sheer laziness information easily accessible. Both are an existence, which we rarely regulate, despite it has made today's self-esteem and delusional nuisance highly possible to acquire a sense of righteousness.

When it comes to this neglected topic, I grew tired to easy this existence is to make most creations that come from the art of mastering the human sense being deemed as a disgrace or luck, despite in return granted many acts of manipulations an intellect to overpower a charismatic peaceful transformation. We never seem to realize that this existence can complicate the edge of life of those who are a living portal for amendment and speech.

The long-drawn aftermath of this topic is somehow managed to make us surface ingenuity for the bad note effortlessly, but not for content that prioritizes what is able to engage the universe of saintliness, even if it could lead our own mind to a never-ending dead end, which has reached a point where those who had a foul charisma able to birth a sense of idiosyncrasy, causing today's mental mechanism to be wired to the rugged egocentrism runaway.

I feel concerned to witness this situation's capability in making today's humans believe that a fulfilling life is a situation where a person is able or needs to alter traditional morality and comfort to accept the apocalyptic domain and its free-wired pervasiveness. I feel concerned to individuals that are modest and morally correct are being controlled by the winding of those who can't even explain their own ideology and "big player" plans that lie in front of their own peripherals.

How can we attract the existence of a clear framework if we always live by the words of those who come from an embodiment of miserablism and superstition?. How can we accommodate our mind from the clouds of misery if we tend to avoid and prevent the experience of being stripped to happen in our societal gravity?. How can we acquire absolute sentient pieces within us if we tend to support an influence that can give results of combination from a confusing tug of war and well-established pressure to those who are profoundly tugged and close with the world microphone?.

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