Crazy misunderstandinds

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Y/n pov.

It's been two weeks since eve has been with the group.  Since then the other survivors have started to trust me and eve. More me than eve at first but after awhile they at least trusted her not to kill them when I wasn't around.We have been trying to help her comunicate with us but it has been difficult since she hasn't had to use her voice for awhile. We also found a new safe house to stay at for the time being. Right now I'm just checking up on her and the others to see what they're doing. Coming around the corner I see eve with zoey and Louis trying to help eve talk.

"Come on eve it's easy say me." Zoey said

"Mmmrreee." Eve said or at least attempted to say me.

"Close you've gotten better eve we'll continue this later okay." Louis said as he and zoey got up to leave.

"Hey eve." I said as I rubbed her head to witch she gave me a smile.

"Lessons going well?" I asked her to witch she gave a thumbs up. "Good, good soon you'll be able to talk to us."

Walking over to my duffle bag I was going to search for something to eat but came to a unhappy conclusion when I looked inside.

Great I'm running out of supplies I'm gonna have to go out and get some more soon I'll do it later. I thought while I was still looking for something to eat.

"Hey eve you hungry?"I asked as I turned to look at her. She just nodded her head so I pulled out something for me and Eve to eat then sat next to her as we ate. Even though I fed her more than she fed herself. After our meals I cleaned up our mess and went over to one of the tables to start working on my electric gloves to see if I could change them from battery powered to self sustaining. As I work eve and the others seemed curious about what I was working on.

"Hey Y/n what are you doing?" Louis asked

"Just seeing if I can improve on my gloves." I said as I lifting up my gloved hand to show what I meant.

"What's so important about those gloves?"  Bill asked

"They're electric watch." I said as I activated my glove allowing the electricity to start crackling to life. Everyone was surprised to see my glove crackle with electricity. Especially eve she was both mesmerized and curious about my gloves that she tried to touch them.

"Careful there eve we wouldn't want you to get hurt." I said as moved my hands out of eve's reach then deactivated my gloves. I went to my duffle bag and grabbed my second to last pair of batteries out the bag.

Great I'm going to have to add batteries to that long list of things I'm going to need while on my run. I thought as I replaced the old batteries with the new ones.

"It's bedtime eve." I said as I pulled out my sleeping bag as I was getting nice and comfortable I felt a little change in weight. I opened one of my eyes to see eve snuggling up on my left side this has been happening so often that we've all gotten use to it. A small smile grew on my face as I closed my eyes and drifted off to dreamland.

Waking up I noticed something it seems that eve went from laying next to me to laying on me. Now that wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for a few things. The first being morning wood is a bitch, the second I need to go to the bathroom and I don't want to wake eve up trying to get there, and lastly the snickers coming from the others as they saw my predicament.

"Yeah yeah you can laugh later one of you get over here and help me." I whispered aggressively unfortunately that had woken up eve. Eve sat up so instead of laying on me she's now straddling me. Our audience were chuckling at our new position though eve was oblivious to the situation as she yawned and rubbed her eyes.

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