Chapter 1

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I don't remember what happened, but I was just swimming in the tank like normal, then I suddenly appeared in a new place.

It wasn't like the tank. There was sand on the ground instead of rocks, far more plants and structures, lots of fish I'd never seen before, and it seemed to go on forever.

I tried talking to some of the fish I saw, but they all ignored me.

As I swam on, I heard a loud noise. It sounded like a party, with loud music and chattering. I decided to check it out.

I swam up to a few of the guests and asked where I was. One kind woman with her child told me I was in a place called Proud Pond.

I thanked her and swam off to join the party.

In one corner, I saw my sisters, Finn and Bella, dancing. They looked so happy. I wasn't.

I didn't know what happened to them when they disappeared last year or what happened to me. All I wanted was to get out of here.

I swam over to my sisters and said hi. They seemed so happy to see me and gave me hugs.

"Can you tell me about where I am?" I asked.

"You're in Proud Pond. This is the afterlife," Bella said.

"You must've died. Do you remember what happened?" Finn asked.

I didn't know what to say. I was a little upset, because I had so many friends in the tank that I might not see for awhile, if ever.

"I was just swimming when I found myself here," I said after awhile.

"So you weren't sleeping?" Finn asked.

"No," I said. "Do you know where I can find someone who I know?"

"Dad's house is about two blocks from here," Bella said.

I froze in shock. My dad was here? He died?

I didn't know who my dad was, only that my mom was Jemima, and she also died, a long time ago.

Was she there too?

"What's the address?" I asked.

"You'll know," Finn said.

" you know where Mom is?" I asked hopefully.

Finn and Bella exchanged a look that told me something happened to her.

"Dad will tell you," Bella said. "Go find him."

I had a well of rage in my gut that was about ready to overflow. I turned around to go find my dad when I heard Finn screaming.

I turned around. She was holding her head, where a red spot was forming. I was so scared, I swam away.

"It''s Lucky. He's a Sallaral," I heard Bella say.

I heard her trying to calm Finn down until I was too far away to hear anything.

I swam two blocks on pure instinct to find my dad's house. There were three houses on each side of the street block, and they all had names on them.

One name was Sadie's, so I knew this must be my dad's house.

I knocked on the door. Blast answered it.

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