Chapter 10

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I could finally focus to the point where I could grasp my surroundings.

I was back in the odd tank that Finn said was Sadie's in my dream. Finn and Dad were here, but so was that molly Violet killed before I went to Bella.

Finn and Dad were talking to the molly. He was black and gold with some spots.

Finn noticed me and sighed, tearing up.

She hugged me and said "You too?"

"Yeah. That's what it feels like," I said.

Blast was focusing on something when the molly swam over to us.

"This is Comet. He was a fish that Sadie got who was sick and he recently passed away. He found Bella and they talked about the afterlife. The next day, Violet kills him," Finn explained.

"So you're the famous Lucky that Bella told me about," Comet said. "To be honest, I expected you to look...more wizard-y."

"Umm...that wasn't really a priority. I'll worry about looking 'wizard-y' later," I said. "But thanks."

"Dad is looking for Violet's mind. With all four of us here, we may be able to connect with her while she's awake and try to tell her to stop terrorizing Proud Pond," Finn explained.

"Found her," Dad said. It sounded forced.

Finn, Comet, and I locked eyes with each other and swam to meet Blast. We touched him and our minds connected to his and Violet's, but it was very difficult.

"Violet, if you can here us, please stop," Dad said.

Dad? she asked.

"Yeah, baby. It's me. I'm sorry I didn't protect you, both in life and death. I'm sorry you were led down the wrong path. I'm sorry about...a lot of things. Just stop hurting any more fish and we can talk," Dad said.

How can you communicate with me in consciousness? Violet asked.

"He's got help," I answered.


"And Finn."

"And Comet, that molly you killed a few minutes ago."

You all really care about me, Violet said.

"Yes. We also care about Proud Pond. You can't kill those innocent fish," I said.

But you all barely know me, Violet said.

"But we're your family," Finn said.

I have to minimize the power in Proud Pond, Violet said.

"No, no you don't. Without the balance of power, Proud Pond could be ripped apart," Dad said.

If I don't remove some power, it's going to rip the pond apart anyway. When I killed Trout, I put his power into the Pond. He is part of the Pond now, Violet said.

"No!" Dad shouted.

"Why did you do that?" Finn demanded.

"Because I partially killed him first," I said.

"You idiots!" Finn said. "Why would you hurt him in the first place?"

"Because I was too caught up in my anger. I was mad at him for killing you, so I wanted revenge," I said.

He didn't kill your family, Lucky, Violet said.

"I know that now!" I said.

"Proud Pond is doomed! Violet, kill anyone you find! Otherwise, everyone's gonna die anyway," Finn said. "You two are so stupid!"

On it, sis, Violet said.

"This is it," Dad said.

"Wait, what about Larani?" I asked.

"Violet! You need to use your Celestial powers and get to Larani fast. Tell Bella to get everyone in Proud Pond," Dad said.

Yes! On my way now! Violet said.

"Not everyone is getting out," Finn said. "It's just not possible."

It might be. If I combine my Celestial powers with my Sallaral powers, I may be able to send the death across most of the pond, Violet said.

"What are we waiting for? Do that in Larani, then do it here," Blast said.

I can only do it once. It would kill me too, Violet said.

"Well, just try," Finn said, dispersing the telepathic link.

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