Chapter 3

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"I'll gladly go, if that's where I'm safe," I said.

And so I can see Mom, I told myself.

Blast seemed almost as if he could read my mind, because he looked at me with a weird look on his face...

Regret. That's what his face read.

"Larani is not terribly far from here. We can make it by tomorrow," Blast said.

"Let's go," I said.

He closed his door and we swam off.

I wasn't sure where we were going, because after a while the city grew to be a faint blur behind us.

We met some other fish and dodged some small towns, but never went too close to any of them.

Since we'd been traveling in silence for a few hours at least, I wanted to ask Blast something.

"Why didn't you tell Bella and I?"

He slowed down a little bit, not expecting my question. He sped up a little after a few seconds, then said, "I wanted to keep you safe."

"Safe from what?" I asked.

He sighed. "I knew a little bit about Sunset. He came to our tank and tried to kill everyone."

"How? I thought he died," I said. From what little I gathered from my father, it didn't seem like this was possible.

"Only certain, very powerful Sallarals could do it. He is one of the most powerful, since Sadie saved a very powerful Celestial," Blast said. "You are at least as powerful as him, if not more. If you..."

He trailed off. He slowed down a little bit and got a sad look on his face. "If you killed Finn, a Celestial almost as powerful as Tremendous Trout, then you could be more powerful," he resumed. "You may have the power to destroy the afterlife."

I stopped. Mostly because his words shocked me, but also because he had fallen a bit behind.

"That's intense," I said. "What happens if I did that?"

"Then everyone here would either die or return to the world of the living. Any Celestials or Sallarals who died afterwards would either stay dead or live forever," Blast said.

"You say that like it's a bad thing," I muttered.

Blast pretended to ignore me, even though I knew he could hear me, and swam past me. "Let's keep moving," he said. "Larani closes at sunset and at this rate, we won't make it until the day after tomorrow."

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