Chapter 11

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"Let's hope this works," I said.

We swam around the new tank aimlessly until two familiar fish popped in.



There were hugs all around, except from Comet. He didn't know anyone.

"Violet's not here, which means she's not dead," Comet said.

"We were just going about our business when our heads started to throb. A voice said 'I'm saving your lives.' Next thing we know, here we are," Sunset said. "What did you guys do?"

"That's my sister, Violet," I said. "When she killed Tremendous Trout, she put his power and consciousness into the pond. It's going to split any second."

"Your sister?" Sunset asked.

"She asked for your help, but you didn't listen," I said.

"Why would she kill Tremendous Trout?" Mom asked.

"It was his fault," Comet said, pointing at me.

"What did you do?"

"It's a long story. I'll tell you later," I said.

"This means there's no afterlife, right?" Comet said. "Violet and Bella are killing everyone in Proud Pond so no one dies forever when it explodes, so does that mean that when minor Celestials die, they won't enter an afterlife?"

"I don't know. They may end up here," Finn said.

"Hey guys," someone said from behind us.

"Hey, Soda," Dad said.

He was with some other fish that I didn't recognize. It seemed like no one recognized them.

I did know that they were all part of our tank.

I scanned the group for Violet.

"She did it," Finn said.

"She was right," I realized. She wasn't in the group.

"What...what did you say?" Dad asked.

"She was right. It killed her. Using that much power takes a toll, and it obliterated her," I said.


"It's all my fault, guys. Some of you I know, some of you I don't, but we all have one thing in common. We all had a home. We all had Proud Pond. I got mad at Trout and almost killed him. I thought he killed himself, only to find out that it was my crazy sister who killed him and put his power into the pond. It flowed through the ground, the plants, the water. Because of me, we don't have that anymore. We don't even have our powers," I said, realizing I had been trying to find Violet's mind and couldn't find anyone's minds. "My sister, Violet, sacrificed herself to fix my mistake. I don't know how to avenge her. I don't have anything else to fight for."

"We can avenge her by keeping her in our memory. We can remember her forever," said one guppy.

"Sassy's right. Let's remember Violet, but not for the lives she took for no reason, but for the amazing sacrifice she made for us," Dad said.

"Well, can we hear what actually happened today?" Mom asked.

A few fish murmured in agreement.

I sighed, and began. "Well, it started two days ago, when I died..."

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