Chapter 1: The Plan

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Dianna's POV

"Dianna, you have to get up now!" Sam slightly pushed me, saying, my eyes sprang open and all my orphanage friends looked down at me with slight smirks.

"Did I sleep in again?" I asked groggily.

"Yep, and Madam is furious!" Tony answered. I quickly rushed off the bed, and beat Louis to the bathroom, for all you guys how are asking, yes, I do live in an orphanage. I believe that I was abundant at a very tender age, Madam, our mom said that she found me at her door step, when I was a child, some parents I had right?!

I quickly had a shower and dragged on a ripped jeans, a tube top, and an old converse, and dashed from Sam, Tony, Louis, and I's room.

"Morning Madam!" I greeted, once I was in the crowded kitchen.

"Don't morning me, the school bus had left ages ago, you'll have to leave your breakfast!" she grumbled. I gave her a peck on the cheeks before dashing through the door. I'm the eldest in my orphanage family, 17 to be exact. Madam was suppose to disown me at the age of 16, but I guess she fell in love with me, and decided against it.

Finally I reached the parking lot of St Ashley's High School, and rushed through the clearing hall ways.

After some time, I reached my classroom door, where I slowed down, okay, here we go again.

"Miss Windsor, your late..........again!" Miss Fertèz my English teacher grumbled.

"Sorry miss, I got held up, because my dog died!" I lied. Her face scowled at me, as she fixed her round glasses.

"Ms Windsor your dog died fifteen times this week!" She exclaimed, causing the children to laugh

"I know right!" With that, I was seated at the back, listening carefully to what the old fart was saying. Finally, first hour was up, where Gabby my best friend walked out the classroom door with me.

"What happen this time?" She asked, giving me her signature eye roll.

"Slept in as always," was my simply reply as we marched to our second hour.


Lunch was now served, where Gabby and I sat around a conference table. We both enjoy writing magazines about our school's latest gossips, and another one just crawled its way out of its shell.

"How do we get through to her?" Gabby ranged getting frustrated, we've came up with a lot of plans to join Elly's group to get the information needed, but they all failed.

"Umm...." I trailed off. I watched as Gabby, flipped her hair, and check if there were any scratch marks on her finger nails, "You,"

"What?!" She asked, setting her self comfortable in her chair.

"You'll have to go as under cover for me!" I explained. Gabby shrieked causing me to roll my green eyes.

"I can't Listen Dianna we are known as geeks, did you heard that, GEEKS! There's no way, she'll let me in her group, there's no way we'll find out if she's pregnant!"

"She will, and we will. You weren't classified as a geek if you didn't hang with me!" I pointed out.

"What are you getting at?" She asked, leaning back in her adjustable chair.

"You are a perfect jock, all we got to do is end our relationship, and you'll be surprised how fast you'll be a minion!" I explained.

"So basically, you're saying that we split like that!" She exclaimed snapping her fingers, before continuing, "Then I join Elly's group  and try and squeeze the information from her?"

I nod my head with a smile on my face, "I have to say, that is one awesome plan!" Gabby gushed after some time, "Let's do it!"


"Don't you dare talk to me again, you get that bitch!" Gabby screamed at me

"I don't need you whore, I can take care of myself!" I hissed back. By now a crowd has gathered, and Elly was in the centre of it all. Our plan was defiantly working.

"I'll like to see that, and just for the record, we're over, there is no we any more, I should of listen to elly a long time a go!"

"Good, go you slut, didn't need you in the first place!" Elly walked out of the crowd and slapped me across the face, causing me to lose my balance and fell. Gabby's face softened, and I gave her a reassuring nod, indicating to her that I was fine.

"Finally!" Elly screeched, "Finally you came to your right mind!" Turning to Gabby she continued, "Let mutts crawl, they deserve at least that!"

Gabby smirked at me and clinched onto Elly's arms,"You were right Elly, you're always right!"

"I know, save the pleading for things like that!" Elly looking at me, "But for now......." She continued, "You're with me, Get it!"

"Yes!" Gabby answered, rolling her eyes at me.

"Good, girls!" Elly squeaked and torian and Lillian, came rushing beside her. Gabby followed behind them with her head held high and her feet stomping with pride.

You go girl!

Now since the plan is set, let the show begins!!!!!


How was it? This was more of an introductory chapter but the main reason of the book will soon come out in the upcoming chapters. In the meanwhile, please vote and comment!!!

Thank you All!!

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