Chapter 3: The Lucky Student

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Dianna's POV

"So, the lucky person, who will be leaving to marrow will queen Siara is.........Dianna Windsor!" Mr Max taunted through the microphone.

I jumped up and down, earning glares and eye rolls from the jealous crowd. I walked up the leveled platform and collected the plane ticket and some other stuff.

"Your name us Windsor?" Queen Siara asked.

"Ummm, yeah?" I answered.

"Well what's your middle?"

"Umm, I don't quite remember, but who cares, I won the ticket!!!"

With that, I jumped from the stairs, and rushed into the hall ways dancing like an Idiot I am.

Louis is going to sooo envy me!!

I walked to my locker, only to find Elly along with her caked face minions, including Gabby. They all snarled at me, as I shifted my weight to my left leg.

"What do you want?" I asked, earning a growl from Elly.

"You think you're soo mighty now since you got a trip with the Queen don't you!?" She shouted. Her minions fake barf at me as I rolled my eyes at their disgusting faces, especially Gabby's.

"As a matter of I am!" I decided to reply. Elly and her group was a little taken back with my answer, because I didn't talk back to them when they throw mean comments at me. This is kind of fun.

"You scum you don't deserve that ticket!" Elly screeched.

"And you do?" I asked putting up one of my brow

"Yes!" She screeched..... again.

"Listen Elly as a fatter of fact listen up all of you snob up bitchy bitches!" I snapped, they gasped dramatically as I continued, "Back the hell off or else....."

"Or else what!" Gabby's voice sneered. My vision, adjusted to hers as a crocked smile formed on my cracked lips. I'm not fund of lip gloss or lip stick, they are clingy and besides I don't have any one in particular to impress.

"Or else, I'll claw you guys eyes out with my claws and baby they're real!"

They looked at me with a sign of fear as the blood ran from their soon paled face.

"Listen dork...!"

"No!" I interrupt Torian, "You listen you snob, if you guys come anywhere near me or my ticket, I will end you, is that clear?"

"We don't have to listen to you," Lillian snapped.

"Dont worry girls I got this..." Elly stated in union, "As for you, watch your back!" She threatened.

"Ohhh bring on you grumpy twerp!" I hissed as venom lace my words. They quickly stomp off, as I released a sigh which I didn't know that I was keeping up. To tell you the honest truth, I did great back there!!


"Madam I'm home!" I bellowed, running into the kitchen.

"Stating the obvious, again," she replied, throwing some seasoning into the brown stew she was preparing.

"Well good evening to you too, how was your day," I replied asking since she didn't ask me.

"As usual, how was yours?" She stated in a board tone. Something is defiantly wrong.

"Umm I won something today,"

"What exactly?" She asked fixing her vision to mind.

"A trip to herina with her highness, Queen Siara for a whole month!"  I peered happily.

"Wow that's great honey, but listen Dianna," she sighed sounding a bit sad and helpless.

"What is it, you aren't letting me go, are you?" I asked with a hint of disappointment evident in my voice
Her head snap up to me, with tears forming at the bridge of her eyes.

"No, I'm letting you go, its just that a couple came by today looking for their daughter," she explained, holding my hands gently leading me to the sofa.

"Yeah so did they find her?" Was my question, not seeing the big deal she was making out of this. I mean it is hard to see one of my brothers or sisters go but  belonged with her family.

"Yes it's you!"

"What I'm not sure understanding!" I exclaimed, getting up quickly. Madam pulled me back down on the sofa and adjusted her eyes to mine.

"You are their child Gredda Windsor and Carl Windsor, they showed me a pick of you when you were a child and they showed your birth certificate!" She explained further, taking out a piece of folded paper out of her apron pocket and passed it to me. I took it with tears in my eyes as I read out my so called parents name, "Gredda and Carl, " the names doesn't ring a bell, Madam! " I explained.

"Dianna, you've got a severe head blown when you were smaller, it caused a brain damage, I don't think you'll remember your parents name honey," she assured me. I shook my head violently, before rushing up the stairs.

"Dianna, Dianna honey!" She called out.

I turn and looked at her, "You can go for that trip, but when you return you will be catching a flight back to your parents, the documents had already been filled out!"

"A flight back?" I asked hading an in even feeling in my gut.

"Yes, they are all herianans, their accents are just as thick as yours!" She told me with me with a small smile.

"But I thought that I lost my accent after all these years!" I exclaimed.

"That's want you thought," she smiled, "Dianna..." I looked at her again, "I love you,"

"I love you too Madam, I better go pack!"


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