Day 1: Decorations

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"Georgie! Come on, wake up! It's December first!" Samuel exclaimed. George opened his eyes slightly, getting startled and rolling off the side of the bed after realizing Samuel was two inches from his face.

"Are you alright?!" Samuel exclaimed, leaning over the side of the bed. George groaned.

"Well, I am. But why are you waking me up? It's Saturday sleepy day, as you've called it" He said groggily. Samuel rolled his eyes and helped his fiance up. George immediately collapsed back onto the bed

"It's time to decorate for Christmas! Come on, we can't let the Hamilton's beat us again!" George groaned. The neighborhood Christmas light competition. Every year, Samuel and Eliza Hamilton went to war in form of Christmas lights. Somehow, the Hamilton's always had the most extravagant string arrangement. Samuel suspected the woke up earlier, which would explain why he was waking George up at the ungodly hour of seven in the morning. One glance at the window and he could tell he would have hypothermia when they were done.

"Is it really that important? I mean, there are other things we could be doing" he groaned. Samuel rolled his eyes and smiled. He held out his hand for George to take and get up. George grasped it tightly, pulling him into the bed and wrapping his arms around him tightly. Samuel squirmed and giggled, trying to escape. George smirked a little, tightening his grip.

"Georgie! Come on, if we don't decorate they'll win and last year was just plain disgraceful"  George cracked an eye open, seeing Samuel make his puppy-dog eyes. He groaned in exasperation and released him.

"Oh fine-but only if you promise we don't have to move for the rest of the day," He said defeatedly. Samuel nodded frantically. he scurried off to pour George some coffee. The latter got dressed reluctantly and came into the kitchen to see Samuel pouring his coffee. He handed the cup of dark-brown coffee to George. 

"I added the sugar to it. Drink it fast, we gotta get going. Imma go get started." He said quickly, going out to the porch. George blinked and tried to drink the scalding coffee quickly before Samuel shut the door. The last one Samuel tried to 'get started' by himself they ended up in the ER with a fractured wrist from slipping on some ice. He came out, to see Samuel wrapping some string lights around the low branches of their tree in the front, hanging strings of snowflake-shaped lights from the branches. He noticed the ground was covered with at least three inches of snow. George smiled fondly as Samuel finished with the lower branches of the squat tree. He turned to George and placed his hands on his hips.

"Well come on! we don't have all morning. we've got to get all the lights we can up before the Hamilton's are awake!" he exclaimed. George laughed and grabbed a string of Christmas lights, wrapping them around the porch railings. George had never been one for decorations and holiday traditions, but with Samuel, he was willing to Carol, or do anything and everything for the holiday season. 

They spent a few hours, until about one o'clock wrapping lights around the house. Both their noses and cheeks were red, and they were sniffing instantly. Samuel stepped back to admire their handiwork.  The trees and porch glittered and changed continually. he nodded, knowing that this was perfect. He turned to George, smiling sweetly.

"You get better at this every year" He flirted. George laughed.

"Now, I believe its time to go inside." He replied. Samuel nodded, grabbing his shivering hand and leading him inside. George pulled Samuel down onto their bed as soon as they had their coats off and made it to the bedroom and held him tightly.

"I'm not letting go until tomorrow morning" he declared. Samuel giggled and nuzzled into his fiance's neck.

"Fine by me" 

Let's say, they won the Christmas light contest.

Alexander wasn't happy about it, but Thomas found it hilarious.

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