Day 4: Christmas Cookies

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Samuel flitted around the kitchen, opening up every drawer in sight at least six times, checking cupboards, and shuffling through the pantry.

George had been flipping through DVD archives for the Christmas music he'd found one day in November. He heard the constant slam of a door or the squeak of a drawer as it shut and decided to see what was up. When he walked in the kitchen, Samuel was flipping through the recipe drawer frantically.

"George, have you seen the molasses crinkle recipe? It's on a little note card, I think the directions are in green and the ingredients are in red..."

He glanced at the counter. A color-coded index card sat face-up reading "Molasses Crinkles".

"Is this it?"

Samuel's head shot up and he grabbed the card. "Yes, how in the world did you find it so fast?"

"You found it last night, remember?"

"Oh. I forgot."

George pressed his hand against Samuel's forehead. "Are you feeling alright, love?"

Samuel sighed lightly. "Yes, I'm fine. It's just with visiting next week, I've got to bring something to my parents, and I promised I'd bring the cookies--"

George silenced him with a quick kiss. "It'll be alright. We have a few days."

"But what if I can't make them right? I'll--"

"Samuel. We have time. Just relax."

Samuel took a deep breath and relaxed his previously tense shoulders. "Okay." He glanced at the recipe. "I think we have everything we need. I can make these for my parents, and if you want, you can make sugar cookies for us,"

George didn't need to be told twice. He found all of the ingredients and mixed them together at Samuel's side. They baked at around the same temperature, and George could see the stress lift off Samuel's shoulders as he placed the pan in the oven. He sighed audibly and rubbed his face, eyes tired.

"Sammy, why are you so worried?" He asked softly. Samuel shook his head. George placed an arm around the smaller's shoulder and squeezed.

"I'm fine," Samuel said stubbornly. "You just know how I get sometimes. It's normal."

George held him and kissed his forehead. "Just relax. Let's just watch Christmas episodes of Friends and curl up on the couch while we wait for the cookies to be ready."

Samuel sighed softly in relief. "That sounds perfect."

25 Days of Kingburyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें