Day 13: Snowed in without electricity

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Charlotte stared out the window, watching the glass fog up with her breathing, and observing the white flakes of crisp snow dance beautifully from the clouds. Samuel and George were talking in the background, something about someone named 'mary'. SHe couldn't think of anything but the pillowy substance falling from the sky. 

The lights flickered, causing charlottes parents to look at the window and up at the ceiling. The lights flickered off, leaving the three in the dark. 

"Powers gone out. The storms moving fast" George muttered. Charlotte kept staring outside as Samuel and George's went around, lighting candles and grabbing foagslights, making sure their furnace was starting to run. Samuel looked at his daughter curiusly.

The four year old hand't panicked when the lights went off, only stared out the window and embraced the ever-endearing snowy weather. He walked over and sat next to her.

"What are you doing cerbiatto?" He asked  Charlotte didn't break her gaze from the glass pane when she answered.

"Watching the snow." She replied dreamily. While the little girls accent was still extremly heavy, she was speaking pretty good English, and George was learning decent Italian from her. Smauel looked out the window and had to admit, the gentle onslaught of drifting white flakes was mesmerizing. He started to understand wholeness the little girl loved to watch it so much. He almost didn't notice when George sat next to him, only leaning into his shoulder on reflex.

The taller man kissed his huabands forehead, starting to watch the snow as well. Normally, he would have done anything else, but at that moment, all he cared about was his husaband, his daughter,

And snow 

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