Day 8: Road trip!

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Samuel put his suitcase in the back of the car and huffed. He really needed to find a way to pack lightly, but he was going to Pennsylvania in the middle of winter. If you packed lightly you didn't survive. george came outside, carrying his backpack and Samuel's messenger bag, which had snacks, music and other stuff they'd need for the trip. Samuel had previously checked that all the doors were locked after last week's 'incident' with the Christmas tree. Samuel was still mad at his neighbors for smashing his mother's ornament and frankly didn't want to associate with them for at least two weeks. 

Thankfully, he and George were going to his family's home to spend some of the months with them, before flying to England to go spend the week before Christmas with George's mother. Samuel wanted to ask about his husband's father, but he knew the subject was touchy. He heard voices and slamming doors and turned towards the hamilton's house, seeing Eliza carrying Phillip to the car in a hurry, obviously cold in the new york morning weather. George came over to where Samuel was standing, looking up and down the road, seeing Hercules and Lafayette come out of their house, carrying a backpack and a duffle bag each. John Laurens also came out of the Hamilton house. Samuel was confused for a moment before he remembered the 'open marriage' thing they had going on. He didn't mind it, but he still thought it was kind of strange. 

The six of them got in the car, and Alexander attempted to start it. It clicked a few times, audible across the street, but to no avail. Hercules laff and Alexander got out and opened up the hood, frowning. Samuel smiled wickedly, turning and going back in the house, where George was hunting for his wallet, which he left in the kitchen. George walked into the foyer, Having retrieved the leather object. He spotted Samuel's smile and immediately was suspicious. He didn't like that grin. Samuel giggled wickedly  

"Karma's a bitch," he said mischievously.  George raised his eyebrows and looked out the window, seeing the three men fiddle with the engine. He huffed a small laugh.

"Usually you'd be the one telling me not to laugh at the misfortune of others, yet here we are," He said, smiling. He looked back at his smaller husband, who was grinning insanely, flames in his pupils. George laughed and petted the smaller's hair.

"Calm down. Let's get going." George said, laughing slightly. Samuel made sure the doors were locked and got out to the car, checking the luggage in the back was packed so it wouldn't slide around. He closed the back and saw the group of people walking over from the Hamilton household. Samuel sighed through his nose and drew his coat closer to his body as they approached. Alexander was embarrassed and bashful as they all walked over. George spotted them as he came around the back to help Samuel.

"H-Hey Samuel and- ah, George. S-so, our car is broken, and, um, we have to get to Eliza's dad's house by tomorrow. Please? W-we really need a ride." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. Samuel's eyes darkened.

"Absolutely not," He said flatly. george shot him a look and was about to speak when Alexander answered.

"What! why?" He exclaimed. Samuel crossed his arms

"You broke into our house and stole our Christmas tree! Not to mention broke my mother's ornament." He said bitterly. Alexander rolled his eyes.

"You're still on the Christmas tree thing?!" 

About two hours later, Samuel found himself holding Phillip, Eliza laying down, rather green in the face, with Alexander clicking away on his computer. Lafayette, Hercules, and Laurens were asleep in the back. Phillip fell asleep in his arms after George had convinced him, somehow, to get them to their family for the holidays. He had to admit, he loved children, especially Phillip, who tended to sleep when he was held. He leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. George placed a hand on his knee. He smiled slightly,opening one eye, watching the blonde man. 

Maybe road trips with the hamiltons werent so bad.

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