Day 16: Flying

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Samuel pulled Charlotte's coat onto her small frame, checking to see that everything was in place. The four-year-old tugged the zipper up and grabbed the small bag Samuel had sewn for her, clipping Bagel into the small vest that was in the side, for that very purpose. Charlotte had worried that she would lose Bagel in England, and Samuel had acted accordingly, letting her help design the small bag.

George had packed their bags and piled them in the car, although his hands were shaking with an intensity. He really was terrified of flying and would avoid it at all costs. The only way he would fly at all, for work, or visit family, as if Samuel was with him, taking off and landing. Those two were the worst for him.

They arrived at the gate, checked their bags and got to the plane, to the seats in which they would park themselves for ten hours.

Take-off was always the worst for George. The loud sounds, the sensation of moving, and falling. Samuel grabbed his hand, pecking his cheek.

"You're alright darling, just breathe," he said quietly.  George nodded.

Samuel fell asleep halfway through the flight, leaving George tense. he would have woken the smaller, had he decided to. He remained tense and unmoving.

Charlotte, who had been staring outside, watching the clouds, noticed her father's rigid manner. She placed a hand on his arm silently, moving the armrest and cuddling up under his arm. Suddenly, George felt a weight come off his chest.

He could breathe again.

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