Day nine: Visiting family part one!

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After the long, crowded trip to the Schuyler Mansion, including the tiring theatrics of Eliza throwing up at least four times, Phillip spitting up on Samuel about twice, which he insisted was fine, and Hercules, Alexander, Lafayette, and John getting out about four times to 'stretch their legs' and coming back with lumpy coats which surely held whiskey, Samuel was worn out from bouncing the hamilton's baby for half the trip, and was a tad relieved when they arrived at the mansion.

The Kings were finally able to send them off and get to the Seabury's home in North Groton, although Samuel didn't want to let go of Phillip. He had stated that Philip 'was the only one who hadn't wronged him.' Peggy had finally taken the baby from him, shooting an accusing glance at the four boys, who looked sort of guilty.

Thankfully, Samuel was able to get on the road again without stealing Phillip. As they sat in the car, George placed a hand on Samuel's knee and given him a loving glance, pecking his lips quickly as not to get whooped at from the immature crowd who could surely see them through the glass, which wasn't very tinted.

It was three and a half hours from Eliza's father's mansion to the Seabury's, and Samuel slept through most of it. His sisters were high-energy, and he'd always been the least energetic. The Hamiltons, plus three, had been more than he could handle, and he needed some rest before he was faced with more insanity. Italians were... wild, even if they were tamer, and his family was one of the most excitable families he knew of. Not to mention his mother would most likely lecture him about the ornament, which wasn't even his fault, to begin with.

George pulled into the driveway and gently shook Samuel awake. "We're here." He said sweetly. Samuel smiled and rubbed his eyes, stretching slightly and getting out of the car. He heard slamming doors and cries, finding himself knocked to the ground with four younger women on top of him.

"Samuel!" They said at once. Samuel laughed,

"Oh cielo, ragazze! mi sono appena svegliato--sii facile con tuo fratello maggiore." (Oh, goodness girls! I just woke up-- Be easy on your old brother) He said, still slightly groggy. Being the oldest and the most grown-up of the five, he was often called 'Old man' by his sisters. George walked around to the dogpile of Seaburys and laughed.

"Alright guys--Off of him. He's mine"

The four girls looked up at the taller blonde man, eyes narrowed. Samuel coughed,

"George is right. I think one of you cracked my rib. Spento!" (off) The girls, Adriel, Chloe, Charity, and Diana, reluctantly removed themselves from the ground, laughing, and asking a million questions. Another woman's voice came from behind them.

"Oh! La mia piccola cerbiatta è tornata da noi!" (Oh! My little fawn has come back to us!) Samuel rolled his eyes as his mother came from the house and wrapped him in a protective hug.

"I'm not little anymore, Madre. I'm a grown man with a husband." He said in slight exasperation. His mother pulled back and placed a hand on her hip, an annoyed expression coming to her face.

"Madre? Piccolo cerbiatto, sei abbastanza piccolo per chiamarmi mamma" (Mother? Little fawn, you are little enough to call me mama) She said, measuring her son up compared to his taller husband. He barely made it to the blonde man's shoulder. "Solo perché ora sei più grande, non significa che sei più alto." (Just because you're older now, it doesn't mean you're taller.)

Samuel's sisters giggled, leaving George in confusion. He had started to learn Italian, but he wasn't anywhere near fluent. He assumed Samuel had just been called short, judging by his mother's pushing Samuel next to the taller. The woman finally got a good look at George.

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