Day 12: Soup kitchen adventures!

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"Okay, how do you want to decorate the cookies cerbiatto?" Samuel asked his daughter. Charlotte looked around the table which had several containers of frosting and sprinkles. Charlotte picked up multi-colored pearl sprinkles and the green frosting.

"alberi di Natale! "(Christmas trees) she exclaimed. Samuel smiled and nodded, helping the four-year-old up onto her chair. Charlotte placed her stuffed cat, bagel, carefully on the table next to her, giving it a gentle pat on its head. Samuel sat next to her and handed her a sandwich bag full of green icing. The olive-skinned girl started squeezing the frosting onto the sugar cookie, with precision that surprised Samuel. The girl seemed to be rather intelligent for her age.  

The door opened, the wind blowing into the foyer. George stepped in, closing the door heavily behind him. he shivered and sighed, happy to be home. 

"Daddy!" charlotte rose ran down the hallway, Samuel following closely as George picked her up and swung her around.

"Hey, Char! What're you up to?" George asked. He kissed Samuel on the forehead as Charlotte started talking.

"We're decorazione  Natale cookies daddy!" she exclaimed, excitement riddling her small face. George smiled at his daughters broken English. He assumed she'd just said Christmas cookies, judging by the icing on her hand and the sweet smell of sugar cookies in the apartment.

"Do you wanna know the English word for that?" He asked. Charlotte nodded frantically.

"Deh-kor-a-shon" George sounded out. Charlotte repeated slowly, surprisingly well. George nodded.

"Good job! now, the second one is krist-mas." He explained. Charlotte repeated it.

"Deh-kor-a-shon. Krist-mas." She repeated.  George laughed and tossed her in the air.

"That's right! Clever girl!" He exclaimed. Charlotte laughed as her father tossed her in the air, Samuel following behind him, worried that Charlotte might fall, despite the obvious fact George would never let that happen, probably diving to the floor to ensure her safety instead of letting the dark-haired girl fall. 

The three walked into the dining room where maybe fifty cookies were laid out. The kings were going to the soup kitchen, and Charlotte had insisted on baking cookies for the crowd that would surely be there that night. Samuel, although was usually firm with the little girl, couldn't deny a request that she wanted to do so badly, and taught the importance of helping others.  George set Charlotte back down in the chair and sat to her left, Samuel taking his original seat to his right.

"Can i help?" George asked. Charlotte nodded and pushed a plate of maybe ten cookies over to George. 

After about an hour and a half of decorating and bagging cookies, the kings had gotten into the car and driven over to the soup kitchen. The three stepped inside, washed their hands and put on gloves, ready to hand out food.  For most of the time, Charlotte sat in the back of the kitchen and looked at her surrounding, loving the sights sounds and colors surrounding her.  George came back to her, hair slightly askew, his white apron stained slightly. 

"Ready to go hand the cookies out?" Charlotte nodded frantically and grabbed the bag of cookies. SHe hurried around, handing cookies around to the men and women.

She handed out cookies for maybe two hours and was worn out by the end. She was practically falling asleep on her feet as George scooped her up, apron put away, and belongings gather. The tall man smiled as he drove home at how similar his daughter and husband were.

his daughter, his husband.

He had a family.

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