Day 7: A Christmas Mystery

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((Translations in the comment section!))

George walked up the pathway to his and his husband's house. As he searched for the right key to unlock the door, he thought about the tree he'd just bought for them. It had arrived last night, and Samuel promised he'd decorate it when George was at work.

George got the door open and walked in to see Samuel staring at the ground, his eyes fixated on a lot of ornaments and lights scattered on the rug. Samuel looked up and saw him.

"I was halfway done with the tree," He started. "when I realized we needed more lights, so I went to the store. And when I came back, it was gone."

"What do you mean?" George asked, now noticing the scattered pine needles on the floor. "Someone stole the tree?"

Samuel nodded. "Just the tree. All of the ornaments are neatly on the floor."

"How in the hell did they do that?"

Samuel shrugged. "Nothing else. Just the tree. I checked."

"Why in the hell did they do that?"

"No idea."

George stared at the ground. "One's broken." He mumbled.

"Wait. Which one?" Samuel asked worriedly.

George bent over and picked up a cracked ornament. It was sparkly and smooth; gold and deep purple-red. It was Samuel's favorite, a pomegranate. "This one. A shame, it's pretty."

"Really? Damnit, that was my mother's!" Samuel shouted.

"I'm sorry, baby." George gave him a quick little hug. Samuel fumed.

"I can't believe it! They didn't break anything else, just the one that means the most to me? My mother's going to be furious! Caro dio, mia madre mi uccderá..."

"I'm sure it'll be fine, honey. Let's just get another tree, okay?"

Samuel huffed but nodded. "Fine."

George hugged him and led him to the door. "Looks like the Hamilton's added something new to their decor."

Samuel raised an eyebrow. "Looks familiar, doesn't it, George?"

George looked over. A large tree stood in the middle of their yard. Elizabeth was decorating it while Alexander and his friends stood back. They seemed right pleased with themselves, too.

Samuel narrowed his eyes. "I think I'd like to have a little talk with Alexander." He stomped across the street. "Hey! Asshole!"

Alexander saw him and booked it. He tripped over his friends and half of the decorations he had up in trying to get to his front door.

"Non osare scappare da me, vigliacco!" Samuel screamed in Italian. "So cosa hai fatto, e se Eliza lo sapesse, sarebbe arrabbiata quanto me! Ho una mezza idea di chiamare la polizia contro i tuoi criminali! Esatto, ho un osso da scegliere con tutti voi!"

Eliza looked over at him in confusion. What on Earth had her husband done now?

George looked over at her and smiled sheepishly. He could only translate a few words, and it didn't sound good.

"At least I know what to get him for Christmas..."

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