A New Face

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-*- 3rd POV -*-
"Good evening you two." A graceful woman with beautiful pink hair greeted the stunned Rice and Ryori. "O-oh! Good evening ma'am! We didn't open yet, so would it be alright to come back later?"

"It isn't much that I want. Just a small order for me and my student who is waiting outside for food. I even have the money to pay." By the word money, Ryori thought about the financial crisis they are in.

"If it's a small order, then I guess I could make something for you guys." Ryori wasn't so sure, but for the sake of Rice and the restaurant, she would offer everything she got. "Thank you very much. Then...the dishes you offer on this menu aren't interesting for my appetite."

"H-huh? But Master Attendants Food is really delicious! Please you must try some of their cooking!" Rice begged the guest to try Ryori's cooking. "Rice don't worry. Dear guest, I have tried a new dish in the Sakurajima Style, would you like to be the first to try it?"

The guest stared at Rice for a moment before she looked at Ryori. "That sounds more appetizing. Please prepare it with all you've got." Ryori went to the kitchen while Rice tried to entertain the guest.

"Tell me Rice. What does a Food Soul like you do here?" Rice looked at them a little surprised, but that didn't stay for long since it was replaced with a smile of hers. "I'm here because Master Attendant summoned me here of course! But please don't tell them that I'm a Food Soul."

The pink haired woman was confused. "What do you mean? She doesn't know that you are a Food Soul at all?" Rice nodded her head. "I promised her grandmother that I keep it a secret, and that I stay here as Master Attendants so called friend!" She was in thought for a while and kept talking with Rice.

あ Ryori POV あ

I looked from the kitchen window to the desk, where our guest was sitting. She was talking with Rice so eagerly that I became so curious. "No Ryori! You have to concentrate to make this new dish!" I looked at the Salmon in front of me. It looked for normal persons like a normal fish, but that wasn't the case!

The quality of it was nothing compared to any other fish. Why that is? I found a market someplace really quite, they sold so many fresh ingredients. "Since they need something quick, I'll just make Sashimi for them." Of course I still gave it my best shot to make it as elegant as possible.

"Thanks for waiting! Here is the new dish! Two Sashimi's for our guests." As I placed them before her, she looked at them curiously. "Let me take a bite before giving some to my student." With her chopsticks she picked a piece of it while Rice and I eagerly awaited for her judgement. "The dish itself is simple, and yet is has such rich flavor! You are someone that I've looked for! Don't move I'll get my student and someone else in."

"She liked it...she actually liked it! I'm so relieved!" I've let a sigh escape out of my mouth. "Great Job, Master Attendant!" We both celebrated for a moment before the woman came back inside with 2 new faces.

"For starters, that's my Food Soul Tiramisu and this person over there, is my student (L/N) (F/N)!" She introduced them both. "Good evening Miss and other Food So- wait...I don't sense any Food Soul Power in her Master Attendant." I was confused and looked from a shocked Rice to the shocked "Master Attendant?" "W-wait, you call her Master Attendant too. And what do you mean with Food Soul?"

"M-Master Attendant! I can explain!" Rice was almost crying, which broke my heart, but still I need to know the truth. "Rice, please tell me your explanation." After awhile, Rice told me everything I needed to know about the Soul Ember, about the Food Souls and her secret. "Rice, I won't lie to you. I'm actually really shocked right now but also relieved to know why your name was like the food."

"And something else I might add. This Food Soul of yours is a Shell." The so called Food Soul Tiramisu explained and then (L/N) continued for her. "A Shell is a Food Soul with no power. Basically they are "useless" to some people." I thought for another moment before speaking. "You guys want to tell me, that there are other Food Souls or Shells?" The Trio nodded their heads while Rice kept quite.

"That sums it up, by the way, please call me Olivia and your name is?" Little surprised by all this I've took some time before I replied "Oh yeah! My name is Amai Ryori but I'm no good with formalities. Feel free to call me just Ryori then, alright?" Olivia and Tiramisu nodded their heads, for (L/N) it took some time before they gave me their reply. "Alright Ryori, then call me (F/N) too, since we are the same age I think."

-*- 3rd POV -*-

The group kept talking for some time. Talking about why Olivia was here, why Rice never told Ryori about this so called summoning of Food Souls and more. Till they came to the conclusion that Ryori should become an actual "Master Attendant" and that (F/N) should live with Ryori and Rice since they knew more about it.

"Before I forget, (F/N) you have to pay the fees of living here upstairs with working here in this restaurant! If that is alright with you of course." They looked surprised for a moment but soon started to giggle "Of course, I could help with your restaurant to make it even better!" Ryori was pleased to make a new friend but was still concerned for Rice since they stopped talking with them.

"Rice? You do know that I forgive you since it was a promise with my grandma?" "B-but I've lied to you! I shouldn't be at Master Attendants side." Ryori then stroked the head of Rice, like her grandmother would have done. "It's alright, you didn't actually lied to me because I still think of you as my dear friend, that stayed with me till this day!" Rice started to cry in joy from this and hugged Ryori with all her love.

AN: This should be enough for a chapter I hope. Because I try to make them at least 1000 words (Message from me not included) and now you live with me and Rice upstairs! Hurray! But don't worry, more Food Souls incoming!

Food Fantasy - May the story begin! [Discontinued]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя