Joyjous Celebration Part 6

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- 3rd POV -

The end of the Event was almost near, realizing this made her rethink all of her encounters from today. Just how precious a moment in life could be was more than enough to live on.

"You know, I already look forward to our next Annual Creation Day! I've created not only memories but new bonds!" She swirled a little bit around, until she saw a glimpse of wavy white hair.

"Is that? Rice!?" She screamed, immediately stopping in her tracks, "wait Eggnog is there too, and another one with wings!" That didn't surprised her the most, rather it was the fact that Rice was standing there on top of the podium with the sacred wine.

"Rice! Rice!" Ryori screamed, pushing herself through the crowd. Rice immediately recognized the oh so familiar sound of her Master Attendant.

"M-Master! How did you find me?!" Her mouth went agape. "What do you mean how! No one else in this kingdom has such beautiful hair like you Rice!" Is what she said.

Now being reunited with Rice, she got on her eye level and asked, "Why are you here with the wine in your hand?" She spoke gently, patting her head in the process.

Rice explained what happened to the wine and her meeting with Eggnog and his friend Turkey. The chase, the journey to finally have found the wine. "And then, I won it! That's why I want you to have it Master!" She grinned, her cheeks flaring up a bit.

"Rice...that's the sweetest thing I've ever known! You're to cute and precious for one being!" She brought Rice into her arms, feeling overwhelmed with emotions.

"But if something like this ever happened again, let me know! I want to help you as much as I can. Since you always seem to help me with everything." She said.

Rice just enjoyed the warmth of her Master Attendant and nodded as a response. With that, they left the since and wandered together through the festival. "Oh look! I know this guy, it's Champagne and it seems he found a companion of his own!" Ryori exclaimed.

By this, Turkey and Eggnog started teasing him about the plush and everything. "Leave us alone for goodness sake!" He raged, letting them escape to the other two girls.

"Was this necessary you two?" She tilted her head, giggling a bit. "Yes, yes it was! The future king should know his ways when the time comes!"

"When the times comes for what?" Rice asked with a soft voice.

Before he could even respond to that, lights appeared in the sky. Claiming it with their graceful colors, enlightening the night to signal the end of the dream.

"Today," she began "I had so much fun! But I bet next year is gonna be more special."

"Can you explain Master?" She tugged at her sleeve. Looking down she smiled gently and told them, that next time when it's here, they both would go out together and enjoy the feast.

"Does this sound like a plan to you?" She asked. "Yes Master! It sounds wonderful!" Rice responded, watching the breathtaking scenery up above with her new friends and her beloved Master Attendant.

"I wish for your healthiness to last forever..."

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