Joyjous Celebration Part 4

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-*- 3rd POV -*-

After running for awhile, they smelled the faint aroma of delicious food. "Guys, I can smell something super delicious! Probably something baked with meat." Ryori said with closed eyes, savoring the smell that was spread in the air.

"Well, if food is near us, that means she'll probably be their too." Cassata commented before following the scent of the dish. After running again, the found a contest that was almost starting to begin. "Ooh, how nice! The Big Eatery Contest!" Pizza looked confused to her. "You know about this one? Uhm-"

"Ryori, just call me Ryori. And of course I know of it! A college of mine made those! They are super delicious, they showed me how to make them in exchange for one of my specialty's" he listened with big interested, while Cassata found another group that looked familiar to him. "It's you guys again."

They turned around to face the source of the voice, one was styled to look almost like and Idol, the other one like a tiny king and the last was someone Ryori knew, Rice. Rice looked kinda shocked when she saw her Master Attendant next to the blondine. "Wah! Eggnog and Turkey! Please hide me! My Master is there!"

Right after she hid herself behind Eggnog, Ryori turned around feeling like someone just called her. "Something wring Ryota?" She turned around shaking her head to reassure him that she was listening. "I'm fine Pizza! Just thought that someone was calling me."

Cassata left them for a moment to join the other trio. "So that's you Master Attendant huh? But why are you hiding yourself?"

She peaked behind Eggnog, making sure that her Attendant didn't noticed her. "You know the reason for what I'm looking right? Well, my Master Attendant doesn't know anything about it. And I would love that she won't know anything about it, so that she can rest at ease and have much fun today!"

Her kind reason made Cassata give a small smile to her. "Don't worry, I'll make sure she won't notice anything about this." He began to turn around and regroup with you two goofballs.

"Rice, your Master Attendant is cute, introduce her to me later okay?"

-*- Skip the eating -*-

"Woah! That boy sure eats like a champ! He must have been very hungry I guess." He seemed really exhausted from all this eating, when he reached for his prize. It got snatched by a Fallen Angel known as Tanuki, they sure were mischievous to even think of stealing the wine in such a big crowd!

But it soon seemed like that the wine got to it's rightful Owner after the boy and his friend took care of it. "They got the wine back hurray!" Cheese noticed that her companions weren't alone, feminine companion at their side was also there. "Good evening Miss. I'm Cheese, May I ask who you are?"

"Oh hello Cheese! I've got to know you a little bit thanks to your friends here! I'm Ryori Amai! Just call me Ryori though, I kinda like it more." After Cheese heard that her companions spoke of her, she turned around to stare at them with a kind of intimidating smile.

"Oh I'm sure that they only spoke good things about me!" Cassata Poker faced her but Pizza in the other hand whistled and didn't looked in her direction. This momentum was the chance for Rice and her new friends to check if it was the wine that they've been searching for.

"Oh! Now that I think about it. I wanna invite the winner of the contest to my restaurant! I'm sure they would love the food I'll make!" Ryori immediately looked for them, but Cassata promised to help Rice with her mission, so he tried to distract you. "Oi Ryori! I didn't know you had a restaurant! Let us visit it sometime."

"That's a good idea Cassata! More food is always a good idea!" Cheese cheered by the idea of getting more food for herself while Pizza sighed in relief that her anger was gone for the momentum. "Oh yeah, I never mentioned it to you guys!" She explained shortly about it and where it lays.

"It was really fun hanging around you guys, I'm gonna explore some more from where I came from, aka the goldfish booth. I wanna start there again and see where I'm going next!"

"If that's your wish, but we'll meet in your restaurant again! We promise that!" Pizza shouted and waved with the others too. Ryori waved them back and walked to her next destination.

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