Happy New Year!

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I don't know what to think about this year. I've met new people, they are all really nice. And I found the courage to write this book! Anyway! I hope that everyone has a nice last 2018 day!

-*- 3rd POV -*-
Everyone in the restaurant was preparing something, some of them the food, the other getting ingredients and the other few decorating the place. "Ok everyone! Don't stop moving! I want this to be perfect in every way!" Ryori yelled from the kitchen to the front. Everyone was enjoying this merry mess, even Ryori who loved an organized cooperation.

"Ryori, I've finished my part of the cooking. I'm gonna rest for a short minute and come back to help." (Y/N) said and left as quickly as they finished their task. Then Ryori remembered something, she needed to prepare all the gifts for her precious friends! (The FoodSouls are included of course). She tried to sneak out as secretly as she could, but failed since Escargot was sleeping on the staircase. [Great...Escargot blocked my way...and if I ask someone to bring him to the sofa, one of them is gonna follow me into my room and sees all the presents!]

Defeated, she waited for another chance. Hours after hours but to no avail, there was always a Food Soul on the staircases. It was like they were making sure that no one goes upstairs. In the end, the Food was ready but the decorations weren't. So Ryori helped them, making the finishing touches here and there.

あ Time Skip from 2019! あ

When everything was finished, everyone were standing by the table admiring their completed decorations. "Hurray! We finished it!" Moon Cake cheered happily. "What do you mean "we"? You pranked us most of the time!" Steak yelled at her with irritation. But Moon Cake played dumb and didn't know what he meant. In the end everyone tried to calm them both down and after that, they started to seat themselves. "It's almost time for New Year, is everyone ready for it?" (Y/N) commented next to Ryori which made her jump almost out of her chair. "(Y/N)!? When did you come back!?" They didn't give a response, they were just taking the chair next to Ryori.

Everyone was cheering, chatting happily and some were getting drunk already. "Guys! Don't drink just yet! Drink when the clock hits midnight!" Pudding yelled at them while pushing his glasses into position. "But Pudding, having everyone here with us, is already a reason to start drinking! Andre is so happy too! Look at him!" The drunken Vodka pointed at her eagle that was on top of Peking Ducks head.

The FoodSouls and the Master Attendants were now in their own world. When Black Tea suddenly reminded Ryori of the time. "Oh you're right Black Tea! Thanks for reminding me." Black Tea then gave a quick bow and was now back to her old seat. Ryori lifted her glass and knocked gently on it with a spoon. She waited for everyone to settle down so that she could give everyone a little speech. "Ok, thank you guys for helping me build this little party. And now, I want to try to give a speech, so could everyone be so kind and listen to me?" She looked around the room and saw that the attention was now on her.

"I want to thank everyone here, for appearing into my life. With you guys in it, my life became so colorful! I couldn't wish for a better life. The memories I made with each of you, is something I would never trade for anything in this world! You guys aren't just Attendants or FoodSouls for me, you guys are my precious family. My family that I swear to protect with everything I've got. This year, next year and every year, I'm gonna stay with you guys for as long as I can live!" The room was silent, no sound, no movement.

"G-guys? Was it...was it to cheesy? I'm so-" the apology was stopped by the rushing FoodSouls that were surrounding Ryori pretty fast. "Master Attendant!" They all screamed in sync. Ryori was surprised but also relieved, relieved that her message was accepted by them. "G-guys! You're squashing me like a fresh tomato!" "Well your face looks like one right now Master Attendant." Chocolate started to tease her, but he wasn't alone the other FoodSouls who were just as mischievous as him started to tease her as well.

"That's enough! If you keep doing this, then the presents I made won't be given to you!" Everyone was shocked and surprised. "Presents? Master Attendant has presents for us!" Tom Yum cheered with the other smaller Souls while the teasers were apologizing, hoping to still receive their special made gift for them.

"Would our sweet Master Attendant be so kind and tell us where the gifts are hidden?~" Napoleon Cake purred and came closer to her. "Well, they are upstairs. I'm sorry but not every gift is decorated nicely. I wanted to do it today, but one of you guys were always by the stairs." She said, getting up from her chair, ready to get their presents. "W-wait! Master Attendant! Please let me handle it!" Raindrop Cake tried to stop them from their track. "But...Raindrop Cake, how do you want to get upstairs?"

Realization hit him, making his head sink in shame. "You're right, a useless FoodSoul like me, isn't even up for the task." Ryori started to panic. "No, you aren't useless! We had this topic before Raindrop Cake! You guys are more valuable than my life itself!" While she talked with him, Pizza, Cassata and Cheese were sneaking up. With the help of the other FoodSouls, they got the presents quietly down but also prepared something outside in the dark.

"Ok Raindrop Cake. I'm gonna get the presents and you value yourself more!" She turned around only to see a stack of presents. "Or you guys...go into my private room like always and get the gifts. Sure why not." She then started to hand each and every present to the respective owner. "Happy New Year Guys!" Ryori cheered. "Happy New Year in! 10! 9!" They spoke in sync again while DoubleScoop took both of her hands pulling her outside. "8! 7! 6!" She was so confused while everyone in the room was smirking or smiling.

"5! 4!" It was to dark to see anything and her FoodSouls were in front of her which didn't helped her see anything. "3! 2! 1!" When they said the number one, they cleared a path for her to see what was in front of her, there was Yuxiang holding her Pipe near something, which then started to send out sparks. "Guys what are you-" They interrupted her again "Happy New Year!" The cheered, as if it was a signal for the object to show it's true form. It flew high up, higher, higher, till it suddenly burst out in colorful colors. "Fireworks! How beautiful!"

The Food Soul thought to themselves that it was a full success. "But where did you hid them? Or did (Y/N) bring them when they were gone!" They all chuckled, but then Plum Juice explained everything to her. From where they got them, to where they hid them. "And that's why Master Attendant, we didn't let you up. If you had seen anything suspicious we knew that you would be magnetized by it and go there."

Almost everything made sense, the only question that was left is. Where was (Y/N) and what did they do. Then they suddenly came out of the crowd, hiding something behind their back with a blush. "This present I have behind my back, is from everyone here." They then held out a bouquet of beautiful white, pink and lavender flowers. "Wow, they are...gorgeous! What flowers are these by the way?" She took them and held them closely to her. "These are sweet peas. We decided together which bouquet to get for you."

With this surprise, the FoodSouls didn't hold back with the rest of the liquor or the food itself. Jello gave a little concert which made Omurice scream like the fan he is, with Sweet and Salty Tofu as her "special guest". It was a blessing for everyone this moment and they wished for it to never stop.

AN: This was the longest I've ever written here! I hope that it made you guys happy! I'll will finish this book at some point. But this day, it's gonna be so far away! Till then, bear with me! And Happy New Year!

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