Chapter 1: Another from the Rivers family

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The rain was pouring heavily and the people were rushing in all directions.

Not him.

He loved the rain, in his own way.
How no one gave him attention, how peaceful the city looked. It was heaven on earth. If that is possible. Not like he would grow old, die and find heaven. Immorality has its bad sides.

If you would see him, you would not be sure if the drops on his face are rain or tears. Such sadness covered his face, it would make anyone cry.

He reached the park and sat down on the bench. The rain was hitting his skin vigorously, and yet, he was still unfazed. It was the most peculiar thing in the world.

Peace is all he felt. And sadness is all he had.

As he sat, he closed his eyes. He was still so handsome.
But something got his attention.

A woman.

She was not rushing, she was not hysterical. She was walking slowly, not noticing the rain. She was all wet, all shaking. Her eyes were reddish. As if...

She passed by him but didn't turn around.

It was not the rain. It was the hot tears that lighted her face. Her eyes were so empty, her gaze not fixed on anything. She was existing on this rainy night, but nothing more. Walking a straight line like a soldier.

He wanted to stay out of it. But he stared so long at her that there was no turning back.

He touched her shoulder.

Nothing. She kept walking.

He tightened his grip and made her stop.

It was when her sobs got a sound and she cried her heart out.

"You are all wet, you will catch a cold," he said to her. "Let me take you to my place, to dry yourself."

"Let me be," she said through her tears, "I don't want anything, I don't want to live anymore... I don't..."
She started walking away, lost in the rain.

"You are quite upset. You don't mean that" he tried to stop her, placing his hand on her shoulder once more.

"I do, you don't have to understand this."

"But I do," he walked next to her, trying to keep her pace.

"You don't know how it's like not to want to exist anymore!"

"More than you know."

"You..." she stopped and looked at him, "get back to your business, leave me alone!" she screamed alas.

"You will come with me right away and say nothing else" is all he said.


"Marcus," he said with resentment in his voice, "what are you doing here?"

"I wanted to see you."

"You should go."

"For someone who is mad that they are vampires, you find hypnosis quite useful," Marcus smirked.

"She was freezing outside on the rain. I had to hypnotize her to come with me."

"As you hypnotized her to sit by the fire I see..."

"That is not your concern, please leave!" he screamed.

"After a century, you are still mad?"

"I don't have time for you and whatever you came here to do."

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